Norm Shealy MD used 50,000 units a day for years and feels he benefited. He's now in his 80s and is the healthiest human being over the age of 65 I've ever met other than Linus Pauling. (Shealy now uses 50,000 once a week.) He recommends frequent calcium serum testing (maybe twice a year) to be on the safe side. He notes that problems with excess calcium are very rare.For various anecdotal evidences , one can read this book
The Miraculous Results Of Extremely High Doses Of The Sunshine Hormone Vitamin D3 My Experiment With Huge Doses Of D3 From 25,000 To 50,000 To 100,000 Iu A Day Over A 1 Year Period
Kindle version is just 1.48$ though no one should experiment with that high doses without medical supervision
The evolution of thinking about D3, among conscious holistic-minded people, is, to my mind, one of the most interesting developments in human health in the last 50 years.