I know this is a boring question and I thank anyone who takes the time to answer it. I just need some good suggestions of low fat and no starch meals and snacks. I have eaten high fat and starch for so long it's really hard for me to just come up with appetizing food. I have seen many people mention they have success on low fat/no starch and even mention what they eat but I can't remember or find all the good suggestions buried in the forum. I want to try this but I can't drink tons of liquids so the regular juice and skim milk stuff isn't enough.
I know the basics like fruit, dried fruit, cooked fruit, juiced fruit, and milk, cheese, yogurt, curds some meats and gelatin. But what do your meals look like?
members like Zachs, hiadut, can'tstoppeating, such_saturation, oxidation_is_normal, thebigpeatowski, westside puffs, and probably a lot more. Help a brother out. I know it's probably really boring and obvious to list the same sh*t one more time so thanks.
I know the basics like fruit, dried fruit, cooked fruit, juiced fruit, and milk, cheese, yogurt, curds some meats and gelatin. But what do your meals look like?
members like Zachs, hiadut, can'tstoppeating, such_saturation, oxidation_is_normal, thebigpeatowski, westside puffs, and probably a lot more. Help a brother out. I know it's probably really boring and obvious to list the same sh*t one more time so thanks.