
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A fascinating study on the ability of spiders (and probably many other species) to not only sense electromagnetic fields but use the gradient between the Earth and higher elevations to fly for thousands of miles and up to 3 miles high. This phenomenon is called "electrostatic propulsion" and apparently has been known for more than 2 centuries. I wonder why it has not found more application in improving flight capabilities of drones, electricity generating dirigibles, human-carrying balloons, meteorological equipment, etc. For example, equipping a light drone with some photovoltaic foil (sun battery) can probably generate enough repulsive force from the surface of the Earth so that the drone can stay in air possibly indefinitely, similar to what the spiders do. Same goes for coating the very large area on the outside of a human-carrying balloon with such foil and generating enough charge difference to greatly increase flight ability/duration. It may not work for very heavy loads but it should be entirely practical for individuals or lighter unmanned drones.



"...On October 31, 1832, a young naturalist named Charles Darwin walked onto the deck of the HMS Beagle and realized that the ship had been boarded by thousands of intruders. Tiny red spiders, each a millimeter wide, were everywhere. The ship was 60 miles offshore, so the creatures must have floated over from the Argentinian mainland. “All the ropes were coated and fringed with gossamer web,” Darwin wrote. Spiders have no wings, but they can take to the air nonetheless. They’ll climb to an exposed point, raise their abdomens to the sky, extrude strands of silk, and float away. This behavior is called ballooning. It might carry spiders away from predators and competitors, or toward new lands with abundant resources. But whatever the reason for it, it’s clearly an effective means of travel. Spiders have been found two-and-a-half miles up in the air, and 1,000 miles out to sea."

"...But Erica Morley and Daniel Robert have an explanation. The duo, who work at the University of Bristol, has shown that spiders can sense the Earth’s electric field, and use it to launch themselves into the air. Every day, around 40,000 thunderstorms crackle around the world, collectively turning Earth’s atmosphere into a giant electrical circuit. The upper reaches of the atmosphere have a positive charge, and the planet’s surface has a negative one. Even on sunny days with cloudless skies, the air carries a voltage of around 100 volts for every meter above the ground. In foggy or stormy conditions, that gradient might increase to tens of thousands of volts per meter. Ballooning spiders operate within this planetary electric field. When their silk leaves their bodies, it typically picks up a negative charge. This repels the similar negative charges on the surfaces on which the spiders sit, creating enough force to lift them into the air. And spiders can increase those forces by climbing onto twigs, leaves, or blades of grass. Plants, being earthed, have the same negative charge as the ground that they grow upon, but they protrude into the positively charged air. This creates substantial electric fields between the air around them and the tips of their leaves and branches—and the spiders ballooning from those tips. This idea—flight by electrostatic repulsion—was first proposed in the early 1800s, around the time of Darwin’s voyage. Peter Gorham, a physicist, resurrected the idea in 2013, and showed that it was mathematically plausible. And now, Morley and Robert have tested it with actual spiders. First, they showed that spiders can detect electric fields. They put the arachnids on vertical strips of cardboard in the center of a plastic box, and then generated electric fields between the floor and ceiling of similar strengths to what the spiders would experience outdoors. These fields ruffled tiny sensory hairs on the spiders’ feet, known as trichobothria. “It’s like when you rub a balloon and hold it up to your hairs,” Morley says. In response, the spiders performed a set of movements called tiptoeing—they stood on the ends of their legs and stuck their abdomens in the air. “That behavior is only ever seen before ballooning,” says Morley. Many of the spiders actually managed to take off, despite being in closed boxes with no airflow within them. And when Morley turned off the electric fields inside the boxes, the ballooning spiders dropped. It’s especially important, says Angela Chuang, from the University of Tennessee, to know that spiders can physically detect electrostatic changes in their surroundings. “[That’s] the foundation for lots of interesting research questions,” she says. “How do various electric-field strengths affect the physics of takeoff, flight, and landing? Do spiders use information on atmospheric conditions to make decisions about when to break down their webs, or create new ones?”"


Feb 13, 2018
Cool beyond words. How long can a spider survive without food, sailing over the ocean towards a new continent? Could they make it? Astonishing to think about trans-oceanic biological exchange happening through mechanisms which, just like this one until fairly recently, we (except for Darwin I guess) may not have discovered or even suspected.

EDIT: I looked it up and it varies by species of course, but generally, spiders seem to be capable of surviving without food for weeks or months at a time, so it seems that they could plausibly cross oceans. I just wonder whether it's possible for them to go fast or straight enough to make it in time.


Jun 7, 2016
I’ve been on mountain tops at 1.8kms above sea level and seen the spiders gliding through the valley below, it’s difficult see them and was only because it was sunset, took a bit of observation to realize they were spiders.
Dec 25, 2014
"Given the fact of spontaneous electric charge separation when an electrically conductive object is placed in a volume of plasma, so that the object is enveloped by a plasma double layer, aka Langmuire effect, then the tension created inside the double layer, a force, has to be gravity." -- Louis Hissink

"...the great truth, accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed, is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball...." -- Nikola Tesla, physicist, 1904

I think all those old stories of monks floating above the ground and teleknesis are possible. Charging yourself so you repel the earth would lift you off the ground till you reached a point where you equalized. Could be a few inches or more. Like a diver with a ballast.

The same is done with those antigravity floaters made out of foil. They float a bit off the ground depending on their charge.

It's a simple concept. Too bad humans can't hold a charge the same way metal can.

Or can they...


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Cool beyond words. How long can a spider survive without food, sailing over the ocean towards a new continent? Could they make it? Astonishing to think about trans-oceanic biological exchange happening through mechanisms which, just like this one until fairly recently, we (except for Darwin I guess) may not have discovered or even suspected.

EDIT: I looked it up and it varies by species of course, but generally, spiders seem to be capable of surviving without food for weeks or months at a time, so it seems that they could plausibly cross oceans. I just wonder whether it's possible for them to go fast or straight enough to make it in time.

Spiders can catch insects along the way. Depending on the location, warm rising air currents can bring a lot of food to the spider or at least enough to survive the journey. Also, there are many islands along the way even across vast oceans like the Pacific. So, they could stop (for a few generations) and then resume.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
"Given the fact of spontaneous electric charge separation when an electrically conductive object is placed in a volume of plasma, so that the object is enveloped by a plasma double layer, aka Langmuire effect, then the tension created inside the double layer, a force, has to be gravity." -- Louis Hissink

"...the great truth, accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed, is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball...." -- Nikola Tesla, physicist, 1904

I think all those old stories of monks floating above the ground and teleknesis are possible. Charging yourself so you repel the earth would lift you off the ground till you reached a point where you equalized. Could be a few inches or more. Like a diver with a ballast.

The same is done with those antigravity floaters made out of foil. They float a bit off the ground depending on their charge.

It's a simple concept. Too bad humans can't hold a charge the same way metal can.

Or can they...

The famous movie scene of the Crusader walking on thin air across a chasm in the 3rd "Indiana Jones" movie was proposed by some to be due an anti-gravity effect known at that time. Tesla wrote many times in his autobiography that Biblical figures were "skilled electricians", especially Moses who parted the Red Sea.
Dec 25, 2014
The famous movie scene of the Crusader walking on thin air across a chasm in the 3rd "Indiana Jones" movie was proposed by some to be due an anti-gravity effect known at that time. Tesla wrote many times in his autobiography that Biblical figures were "skilled electricians", especially Moses who parted the Red Sea.

Yes they were. It’s well known that monks and wizards and other high level shamans choose to live in the mountains because of the electrical conductivity. Well it’s not but it should be.

I think the breathing and meditation rituals monks do act to change their bio electromagnetic field. There should
be research on this. A lot of the things mages, sages, monks, shamans, and other do start to make sense if looked at from a bioelectrical perspective.
Dec 25, 2014
Sorry I hit post too soon.
Anyway monks go through cleanses...does cleansing and removing your body of toxins have an electrical effect? Perhaps it allows one to be a better conductor. I’ve heard the monks diet act to reduce estrogen and thus reduce libido. Doesn’t estrogen interfere with the electric transport chain? Wouldn’t having a very efficient electric transport chain make you less resistant to electricity and thus a better conductor and or capacitor? I’ve heard estrogen releases free fatty acids into the blood stream...if fat acts as an insulator having random fat in your blood can’t be good. I’ve heard monks can do many interesting things with their bodies after years of meditation...they can do the Nikolai Tesla lightbulb trick for one.

Wouldn’t having more voltage flowing through you with less resistance increase your bio electromagnetic field? Wouldn’t achieving enlightenment or nirvana or whatever be achieving a state of no stress with high pregnenolone, high Progesterone, low cortisol, low estrogen etc aka a state of peak electron flow aka a state of highest conductivity.

I wonder if monks have very high metabolism, I’m sure they do that’s why they’re able to withstand the elements

I wonder if temples are good places to conduct electricity? I’m sure they are I’ve heard the pyramids at great this

It’s obvious being one with the universe and all that new age stuff is being a good conductor...your connection with the universe increases and decreases with your ability to efficiently conduct electricity. someone who’s cut off from the universe is quite literally someone who is cut off from the flow of energy or mana or the source

Pufas are true evil. They don’t just ruin your health and give you cancer they cut you off from god
Dec 25, 2014
Chi is quite obviously stored electricity and all those weird movements they do is an attempt to manipulate or gather or release chi.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Chi is quite obviously stored electricity and all those weird movements they do is an attempt to manipulate or gather or release chi.

I used to do kung-fu in high school and all the Chinese masters that came to teach us told us that same thing. The forms we practiced were nothing but a way to either gather Chi from the ether or channel in a way that could help health or in a fight.


Feb 13, 2018
I used to do kung-fu in high school and all the Chinese masters that came to teach us told us that same thing. The forms we practiced were nothing but a way to either gather Chi from the ether or channel in a way that could help health or in a fight.
Could stored electrical charge have anything to do with the purported benefits of seminal retention?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Could stored electrical charge have anything to do with the purported benefits of seminal retention?

Probably, but I don't know of any studies on that. I guess one could look at the biomarkers that increase with retention (T, DHT, DHEA, etc) and the ones that drop (prolactin) and see how that affects electrical conductivity and charge density.
Dec 25, 2014
I used to do kung-fu in high school and all the Chinese masters that came to teach us told us that same thing. The forms we practiced were nothing but a way to either gather Chi from the ether or channel in a way that could help health or in a fight.

Have you seen anything that made you believe in the validity of chi? A lot of the stuff I've seen has been people debunking it which made me skeptical. It could be a cargo cult thing where initial practitioners were manipulating chi but the magic has been lost and now they practice the forms like trained monkeys without really doing anything.

Could stored electrical charge have anything to do with the purported benefits of seminal retention?

read this quote and tell me what you think

"I withheld ejaculation for 13 whole months, almost 18 whole months apart from one or two losses, and then I lost it completely.

I am telling you this made me a superman. You are so vitalized and energized, above all your perception is so enhanced it's like you've taken drugs and are in a higher mode of awareness, vision is in super-enhanced high resolution; sex is not the key thing at that stage because the ecstasy you are in, your physical movement, symbiosis with and power over the world around you, the depth of your voice and shine of your eyes all outweigh any other pleasure you could dream of.

Any sexual encounter that happens then would just be the icing on the cake.. Like I said I lost it, and I can tell you after that it is like falling from heaven. Do not come if you want to attain freedom from this world and it's miseries!! Ever!!!

I am back at one day now, and it is like the myth of Sisyphus, pushing a rock back up a mountain. I am intent never to come again as long as I live unless I need to father a child and only use Taoist methods of non-ejaculative orgasm.

I'd add that energy retention and modulation have to accompany semen retention. You can still lose it even if you retain your semen by not synchronizing properly with the world at the right moment, and then it's like the flow has been redirected away from the ocean and you find yourself having to "catch up" (you see the same scenes repeating in your life, the same details, and that is really frustrating because at that point you realize we're nothing more than waves in an algorithm preprogrammed to follow certain trajectories).

But that is something you learn as you go along: Becoming energetically modulated to and at one with the cosmos, becoming the lode everyone wants to follow and leading this world out of its fall from grace."

I think high dopamine, zinc and magnesium retention, etc. are also complicit.

I think a lot of bioenergy goes into creating sperm cells as they're basically alive and I remember reading they do some electrical zinc flash of light thing when they impregnate an egg.


Feb 13, 2018
Have you seen anything that made you believe in the validity of chi? A lot of the stuff I've seen has been people debunking it which made me skeptical. It could be a cargo cult thing where initial practitioners were manipulating chi but the magic has been lost and now they practice the forms like trained monkeys without really doing anything.

read this quote and tell me what you think

"I withheld ejaculation for 13 whole months, almost 18 whole months apart from one or two losses, and then I lost it completely.

I am telling you this made me a superman. You are so vitalized and energized, above all your perception is so enhanced it's like you've taken drugs and are in a higher mode of awareness, vision is in super-enhanced high resolution; sex is not the key thing at that stage because the ecstasy you are in, your physical movement, symbiosis with and power over the world around you, the depth of your voice and shine of your eyes all outweigh any other pleasure you could dream of.

Any sexual encounter that happens then would just be the icing on the cake.. Like I said I lost it, and I can tell you after that it is like falling from heaven. Do not come if you want to attain freedom from this world and it's miseries!! Ever!!!

I am back at one day now, and it is like the myth of Sisyphus, pushing a rock back up a mountain. I am intent never to come again as long as I live unless I need to father a child and only use Taoist methods of non-ejaculative orgasm.

I'd add that energy retention and modulation have to accompany semen retention. You can still lose it even if you retain your semen by not synchronizing properly with the world at the right moment, and then it's like the flow has been redirected away from the ocean and you find yourself having to "catch up" (you see the same scenes repeating in your life, the same details, and that is really frustrating because at that point you realize we're nothing more than waves in an algorithm preprogrammed to follow certain trajectories).

But that is something you learn as you go along: Becoming energetically modulated to and at one with the cosmos, becoming the lode everyone wants to follow and leading this world out of its fall from grace."

I think high dopamine, zinc and magnesium retention, etc. are also complicit.

I think a lot of bioenergy goes into creating sperm cells as they're basically alive and I remember reading they do some electrical zinc flash of light thing when they impregnate an egg.
Where’s that quote from?


Aug 17, 2016
Have you seen anything that made you believe in the validity of chi? A lot of the stuff I've seen has been people debunking it which made me skeptical. It could be a cargo cult thing where initial practitioners were manipulating chi but the magic has been lost and now they practice the forms like trained monkeys without really doing anything.

read this quote and tell me what you think

"I withheld ejaculation for 13 whole months, almost 18 whole months apart from one or two losses, and then I lost it completely.

I am telling you this made me a superman. You are so vitalized and energized, above all your perception is so enhanced it's like you've taken drugs and are in a higher mode of awareness, vision is in super-enhanced high resolution; sex is not the key thing at that stage because the ecstasy you are in, your physical movement, symbiosis with and power over the world around you, the depth of your voice and shine of your eyes all outweigh any other pleasure you could dream of.

Any sexual encounter that happens then would just be the icing on the cake.. Like I said I lost it, and I can tell you after that it is like falling from heaven. Do not come if you want to attain freedom from this world and it's miseries!! Ever!!!

I am back at one day now, and it is like the myth of Sisyphus, pushing a rock back up a mountain. I am intent never to come again as long as I live unless I need to father a child and only use Taoist methods of non-ejaculative orgasm.

I'd add that energy retention and modulation have to accompany semen retention. You can still lose it even if you retain your semen by not synchronizing properly with the world at the right moment, and then it's like the flow has been redirected away from the ocean and you find yourself having to "catch up" (you see the same scenes repeating in your life, the same details, and that is really frustrating because at that point you realize we're nothing more than waves in an algorithm preprogrammed to follow certain trajectories).

But that is something you learn as you go along: Becoming energetically modulated to and at one with the cosmos, becoming the lode everyone wants to follow and leading this world out of its fall from grace."

I think high dopamine, zinc and magnesium retention, etc. are also complicit.

I think a lot of bioenergy goes into creating sperm cells as they're basically alive and I remember reading they do some electrical zinc flash of light thing when they impregnate an egg.
One time I was driving my teacher (who is a rinzai zen monk) somewhere. When we arrived, he opened his (passenger-side door) and in a blink of an eye, he pulled me from the driver's seat onto the sidewalk next to him. I should not say the word "pull" because I felt absolutely nothing.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Have you seen anything that made you believe in the validity of chi?

Oh yeah, many times. We had visits by real Taoist monks who trained with our teacher (they are obviously much more advanced than us poor disciples) and they routinely did things like effortlessly lift extremely heavy objects (for brief periods of time) that were 2-3 times their own weight. A very popular Taoist exercise for advanced practitioners is to do a form with a ball made from granite. That ball easily weighs at least twice more than these monk dudes, yet they kept throwing it in the air rather effortlessly. Small dudes, no more than 5'5'' in height, visibly stronger than a 6'5'' dude in our group that struggled to even lift the ball from the ground.
Dec 25, 2014
Where’s that quote from?

Some guy who did nofap

One time I was driving my teacher (who is a rinzai zen monk) somewhere. When we arrived, he opened his (passenger-side door) and in a blink of an eye, he pulled me from the driver's seat onto the sidewalk next to him. I should not say the word "pull" because I felt absolutely nothing.

Did he pull you over the center console and out the passenger side? Impressive I wonder what that was about. Mass and Inertia are electromagnetic so if he has the ability to manipulate EM fields then maybe he did some inertial drive thing.


Jan 23, 2016
Sorry I hit post too soon.
Anyway monks go through cleanses...does cleansing and removing your body of toxins have an electrical effect? Perhaps it allows one to be a better conductor. I’ve heard the monks diet act to reduce estrogen and thus reduce libido.

What does their diet consist of?


Jan 23, 2016
I'm skeptical about the nofap thing. It has all the characteristics of a cult. I knew a guy who went off the deep end from doing too much LSD and he latched onto the nofap/semen retention community. These people talk about becoming gods yet they spend so much of their time online talking about their experience as a god. What's that Taoist saying about the true Dao cannot be spoken of?

My own personal experience is that my libido went too high without releasing semen. I got too distracted and lost focus whenever I heard a woman walking by the hall. I agree that ejaculating via sex feels more constructive than fapping though.
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