Radiation Damage Information and Remedies





Early in the century, x-rays were found to produce tissue burns. The early effect of a radiation burn is inflammation and edema. The edema gradually gives way to fibrosis, and if the lives long enough, the fibrotic tissue may calcify. Ray Peat


Mar 27, 2023
Acetyl Resveratrol, but never was able to source it.


The Use of 3,5,4′-Tri-O-acetylresveratrol as a Potential Prodrug for Resveratrol Protects Mice from γ-Irradiation-Induced Death​

Currently, no drugs are available to protect humans from γ-irradiation-induced death. Because reactive oxygen species are produced upon exposure to γ-irradiation and directly responsible for the resulting death, we hypothesized that antioxidants found in foodstuffs may provide a safe and potent means of antioxidant-dependent radioprotection. Here, we describe our studies investigating the radioprotective properties of resveratrol and 3,5,4′-tri-O-acetylresveratrol. Each of these natural antioxidants was found to protect live cells after γ-irradiation. In mice, the use of 3,5,4′-tri-O-acetylresveratrol with Cremophor EL was particularly effective, indicating that this natural antioxidant may be a leading candidate for radioprotective drug development.


Resveratrol is not viewed favorably round here @zorba990



No topic can be understood in isolation. People frequently ask me what they should do about their diagnosed osteoporosis/osteopenia, and when they mention “computer controlled” and “dual photon x-ray” bone density tests, my attention tends to jump past their bones, their diet, and their hormones, to the way they must perceive themselves and their place in the world. Are they aware that this is an x-ray that’s powerful enough to differentiate very opaque bones from less opaque bones? The soft tissues aren’t being studied, so they are allowed to be “overexposed” until they appear black on the film. If a thick area like the thigh or hip is to be measured, are they aware that the x-ray dose received at the surface where the radiation enters might be 20 times more intense than the radiation that reaches the film, and that the 90 or 95% of the missing energy has been absorbed by the person’s cells? If I limited my response to answering the question they thought they had asked me, I would feel that I had joined a conspiracy against them. My answer has to assume that they are really asking about their health, rather than about a particular medical diagnosis. Ray Peat

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon

US5081129 (A) - Method of treatment of anemia with seratonin antagonists

Treatment of patients suffering from anemias such as anemias of chronic disorders or anemias resulting as toxic side effects of drugs, ionizing radiation or kidney dialysis by administration of a serotonin antagonist, such as cyproheptadine, the administration taking place once a day during the evening, preferably after sunset.


“The Stasi had used radiation to mark people and objects it wanted to track. It developed a range of radioactive tags including irradiated pins it could surreptitiously insert into a person’s clothing, radioactive magnets to place on cars, and radioactive pellets to shoot into tyres. It developed hand-pump sprays so Stasi operatives could approach people in a crowd and impregnate them with radiation or secretly spray their floor at home so they would leave radioactive footprints everywhere they went.” Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall by Anna Funder

Mar 10, 2021
“The Stasi had used radiation to mark people and objects it wanted to track. It developed a range of radioactive tags including irradiated pins it could surreptitiously insert into a person’s clothing, radioactive magnets to place on cars, and radioactive pellets to shoot into tyres. It developed hand-pump sprays so Stasi operatives could approach people in a crowd and impregnate them with radiation or secretly spray their floor at home so they would leave radioactive footprints everywhere they went.” Stasiland: Stories from Behind the Berlin Wall by Anna Funder

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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