Effects of radiation on White Blood Count
Hematological Changes Following Low Dose Radiation Therapy and Comparison to Current Standard of Care Cancer Treatments
Cellular and Biochemical Effects of Combined X-Ray Radiation and Storage on Whole Blood
Radiation therapy. If you receive radiation therapy to large areas of your body and especially to the large bones that contain the most bone marrow, such as your pelvis, legs and torso, you might experience low levels of red and white blood cells.
Hematological Changes Following Low Dose Radiation Therapy and Comparison to Current Standard of Care Cancer Treatments
Cellular and Biochemical Effects of Combined X-Ray Radiation and Storage on Whole Blood
Radiation therapy. If you receive radiation therapy to large areas of your body and especially to the large bones that contain the most bone marrow, such as your pelvis, legs and torso, you might experience low levels of red and white blood cells.