Please Help: Severe Premature Ejaculation from Calcium Carbonate Supps? Intra-muscular Calcium?


Nov 1, 2021

I have been suffering with premature ejaculation for the last couple of years. 32 y/o man.

In the past year or so, I have now been suffering with *severe* premature ejaculation - less than 10 seconds to finish. It is so bad that it is preventing me from finding a relationship, and causing me intense distress. Note, this is not "Oh I only lasted 2-3 minutes, I wish I could go for longer" or "I finished before my partner could finish, I need to improve my stamina." This is almost immediate ejaculation upon stimulation - it is uncontrollable. This happens with masturbation too, not only with a partner.

My thoughts:

A significant worsening of my symptoms actually seems to coincide with me taking an interest in Peat's work and Danny Roddy's videos for reducing / reversing hair fall and hair loss around mid 2021 (I am quite new to the forum and this work).

Specifically, one of the things I have been doing in response to my reading of Peat's work / Roddy's videos (since around October 2021) is supplementing calcium carbonate. I am supplementing enough per day to balance calcium to phosphorus approximately / at least 1:1. I have been doing this because I do not tolerate dairy proteins very well - milk causes me to have constipation (I have tried A1, A2, raw vs. pasteurized, Friesian, Jersey, Guernsey - all with the same effect - I believe it may be the casein).

Checking my emails: my first purchase of calcium carbonate supps was October 2021. My first visits / consultations with physiotherapists around my premature ejaculation issue was November 2021... whilst I had been experiencing the problem for a good few months before this date (not saying CaCO3 was the only direct cause), it was only following a month or so of CaCO3 supplementation that I was prompted to seek medical help because the problem had gotten so bad - there may be a link??

My Theory / Question: could intra-muscular calcium excess (or magnesium deficiency) be causing chronic tightness / over-contraction in ALL muscles in the body, and hence, the pelvic floor tightness and premature ejaculation is actually a symptom of a wider "muscle tightness" issue?

- I ask this because my calcium intake has been significantly raised in the past year or so. I thought this would be a good thing in lowering PTH, reducing prolactin and helping with my hair fall.
- In addition to the premature ejaculation, after really paying attention to my body, I have noticed that lots of my muscles are often very tight. This tightness is not alleviated by extended periods of rest and relaxation (sitting around, slow walks, calming down) - the tendency to be tight and tense is always there. I notice that the muscles below my glutes are very tight upon ejaculation too (piriformis?), my glute and leg muscles are often ache-y in the morning, I do feel muscular fatigue too.
- Sodium, Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium play a significant role in muscle contraction and relaxation.
- Calcium is specifically responsible for Muscle Contraction
- Magnesium is specifically responsible for Muscle Relaxation

Treatment Suggestion: Might it be useful to stop all calcium supplementation, and begin magnesium and / or potassium supplementation?
- I have been using Magnesium Chloride Flake baths for a while now, but there does appear to be some debate about whether it is really absorbed. I wonder if higher dose magnesium taken orally could help to calm the entire muscular system down?? Combine this with much less calcium could help to balance things out?

- However, wouldn't supplementing magnesium raise my PTH and worsen hair fall? (not that calcium carbonate supplementation has done anything to reduce my hair fall either)

- How long might it take to notice a shift?

- Am I way off-base here??

Similarly to hair loss, premature ejaculation is a very difficult and frustrating condition - it must have existed for so many years, yet we still haven't found a direct cause / easy way to prevent it. I have been searching for solution for over a year.

I would HUGELY appreciate any advice or help any of you could give in answering this question, plus any other info that may have helped for you - I know PE has been discussed on the forum before, but it is quite difficult to sift through to see if my theory has been discussed. I hope I am not guilt-tripping anyone here, but it is not an exaggeration to say that this problem is ruining my self-esteem, putting my romantic life on hold (I really want to have a family), and seriously harming my quality of life. So I would be eternally grateful for any wisdom / info.

Thank you.

Supplemental info. for anyone still reading:

What is happening with premature ejaculation is that: when erect, even a minor amount of stimulation leads to uncontrollable "kegels" (involuntary kegels) i.e. strong contractions of the BC muscle (bulbospongiosus muscle - google it / wiki it) surrounding the base of the penis. This is the muscle that you can use to make the penis "twitch" or "bounce". However, for me and for others with premature ejaculation, when this muscle tenses, it DOES NOT relax. It stays tense... and this tension is what prompts the stimulation of the prostate / glands to signal an ejaculation to fire. The only way to relax it is to SERIOUSLY focus and "reverse kegel" (i.e. push out like you are trying to pee), but this is not sustainable, and also not normal. I know for a fact in my younger days that I was not constantly forcing out like I was trying to pee in order to keep control...

Some other areas of interest that I have seen mentioned:
(i) excess sympathetic tone vs. parasympathetic tone - this is very general, and not massively helpful in itself. Why might someone experience excess sympathetic tone? : Stress, nervousness, tension, not breathing properly, under-methylation, life circumstances...... loads of potential factors. I don't think general "relaxation" is enough to fix this (see below).
(ii) under-methylation - very recently (one week ago) started using TMG (tri-methyl-glycine) - very early days yet, but no improvements at all.
(iii) lack of choline - diet may have been choline deficient. I have eaten a reasonable amount of meat, but no eggs etc. for a very long time. Choline -> acetylcholine which is a major parasympathetic neurotransmitter.
(iv) generally having a "stressed metabolism" and stressed body. Possibly could be a factor, but after reading Peat's writings and writings on the forum, I feel I am doing everything that is advised in terms of dietary measures: 2-4:1 carbs to protein, sugar > starch, saturated animal fat, low PUFA, 100g protein (usually a minimum), ADEK supplementation, B Complex occasionally.
(v) I have seen it written that PE is a sign of high dopamine and low serotonin and is therefore a "good" thing. I highly doubt this is the cause of my problem - this is clearly a serious dysfunction and not a sign of health. Uncontrollable muscle tension upon stimulus is not a good thing.
(vi) I do lift weights, which may also be contributing to the tension. But I have been lifting since I was 18, and I never experienced these symptoms for years and years after starting weightlifting.

Some routes I have already tried / explored:
- general relaxation and "mindfulness" - has not worked for me at all. Whilst it's true that I can be mentally tense / stressed sometimes (a little Type A), I have always been like this - and I *never* experienced PE in my youth, or up until my mid to late 20s - almost the opposite problem, I could go for an hour. I do not believe it is brought on by mental "nervousness" or "anxiety", but that the nervousness / tension is a coinciding symptom. I have tried "calming myself down" to an almost zen state when masturbating, and I still have uncontrollable contractions upon stimulus.
- correction of breathing and posture - the breathing diaphragm and pelvic floor diaphragm are supposed to work together like a piston. If you are out of alignment (e.g. military posture) and your breathing diaphragm is not descending properly (i.e. you are chest breathing) then your pelvic floor is also not working as it should, which may lead to some tension / lock ups. However, I have worked very hard over the past year to try to restore an optimal breathing pattern. Whilst I am certainly not perfect, very few people are.... and severe premature ejaculation is apparently not that common... finishing before you would like to seems to be common, and this *could* be called premature ejaculation in a sense, but it is not the same as "five pumps and you're there".
- Reverse kegel work (i.e. pushing out and "relaxing" the pelvic floor) - both during stimulation and outside of stimulation to help the area to relax. Again, perhaps I could have done this more diligently, but I have observed ZERO benefit from doing this.
- Note: I have never taken SSRIs


Sep 27, 2015
I think you are right about the excessive muscle tightness contributing to PE, and quite probably the mineral balance is the major factor in this getting worse for you. I don't have any insight into the calcium aspect, but I think that even with excessive muscle tone some of the tension can be redirected with a change of posture in movement, sitting and standing. You mention military posture as being in "alignment" and I would disagree with this. Posture like this with the pelvis stacked under the ribcage puts constant tension on the muscles and fascia of the hip flexors and whole anterior chain, which I think contributes over time to the tightness everywhere in the pelvic area. Repositioning the pelvis behind the ribcage (with the ribs slightly tucked to keep the ribcage in alignment with the pelvis) put the tension on the posterior chain muscles and fascia (glutes and hamstrings especially) and I think even with systemically excessive muscle tone might be able to relieve some of the tension on the muscles attached to the pelvis, especially if you can stand in the back chain dominant position and then apply massage or even percussion massage to the hip flexors and abs. This is based on the ideas of GOATA, which for me created a huge improvement in some (more minor than yours for sure) PE issues that I believe stemmed from the additive effect of years of hip thrusting exercise (deadlift and squat) that trains positioning in movement that pressurizes and lengthens the hip flexors.
I was trying to find a single video I could give that examines the totality of this idea and I couldn't find one, but this video is a start:


Nov 1, 2021
Hi Nick,

Thanks for your response. Apologies if I was misunderstood - I have been *stuck* in military posture (out of alignment) for quite some time and have spent the last year trying to get out of it into a more neutral posture. I first noticed some minor premature ejaculation in circa 2017/8 - but it was not that bad - maybe 5 mins intercourse. Only during the work-from-home covid period did it start to be come a noticeable problem even when masturbating (too much sitting in up-right, not enough moving may have been a large cause).

I assumed the problem was postural and related to muscle tension. I cannot seem to break the habit of holding my belly in tight as well.

I have been seeing Postural Restoration Institute therapists on and off for the past year to try to re-balance my posture. It was actually 2016-2017 that I started doing barbell squats and trying to force myself more up-right too - often sucking in my belly to look thinner. I am certain that this must have played a significant role. This is not neutral. It's probably no coincidence that the pelvic floor symptoms started at this time.

PRI call my problem a PEC pattern, i.e. a posterior exterior chain pattern. Which is very similar to what you are outlining: The PEC Pattern: How it Develops & How to Address it

But I have been doing exercises for over a year now to try and open up the rib-cage at the back, stop the hyper-extension and bring everything "back" so to speak... I feel like my posture is more neutral, but the severe premature ejaculation remains. I know I am not perfect, but lots of people have poor posture........ which led me to looking into other potential causes.

I will look into the video you sent me, thank you. I am still wondering if there may be other confounding issues though. This sounds weird, but I definitely notice some minor relief if I am curled up in a ball on my side versus laying flat on my back or sitting down, but it certainly does not go away from just a re-positioning. Maybe I am still stuck in a bad pattern...

Still though, I don't understand why this is causing such a strong involuntary contraction in the pelvic floor.


Jul 2, 2021
Hey man, I can relate to your problem. I had it for years while my body was under the stress of fasting and low carb stuff and probably too much estrogen. What helped me the most was reducing stress and eating sugar and carbs again. I'd say in terms of supplements aspirin in the range of 1-2 grams a day helped the most, maybe even too much. Now I'm at a place where my estrogen is low and testosterone is normal and it's not an issue.


Nov 1, 2021
Hey man, I can relate to your problem. I had it for years while my body was under the stress of fasting and low carb stuff and probably too much estrogen. What helped me the most was reducing stress and eating sugar and carbs again. I'd say in terms of supplements aspirin in the range of 1-2 grams a day helped the most, maybe even too much. Now I'm at a place where my estrogen is low and testosterone is normal and it's not an issue.
Thanks Aquila. Yes I have definitely gone through the wringer in terms of diets - Standard Western Diet, Paleo, Low Carb Paleo, Keto, Carnivore, Peating.

I am definitely under stress too, as I'm sure we all are.

I have been eating well over 300g carbs every day for over a year though. I have also been experimenting with aspirin too, but no where near that much

Not sure what my E2 is, but Testosterone was 650ng~ / 23nmol last time I checked c. 6 months ago. I really think there is something else going on - even after taking a long break to relax, the problem is just as bad..... maybe those breaks did nothing to improve my hormonal profile, but I definitely felt more relaxed. Obviously, if the problem is mineral based / consumption based / postural based, then time out to relax may not help much...

I've thrown so many ideas at this and tried to give them a good chance, but nothing has helped. Hence why I thought "what else have I done in the last year that has made it SO BAD?" - calcium was all I thought of...


Jul 10, 2016
Enough magnesium from foods? Supplements are best just short term to correct a deficiency.


Nov 1, 2021
Enough magnesium from foods? Supplements are best just short term to correct a deficiency.
Thanks SonOfEurope. What foods would you suggest though?

I see foods high in magnesium are: grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy greens - all foods that I thought it would be better to avoid if possible.


Sep 27, 2015
I am not familiar with the postural restoration institute, but after looking at the page you linked about PEC I would suggest you consider the idea that their model is wrong and their exercises could be contributing to your PE by inadvertently putting more tension on the lengthend hip flexors in gait and posture. I would suggest that slight anterior pelvic tilt is actually desirable, but only with the ribcage tucked into alignment, the pelvis and the hips behind the ribs, and the muscles of the back chain being dominant in creating locomotion. One problem with ideas of static posture are that once you start moving, your force production pattern will change your positioning and the changes you made in static posture become irrelevant.

I wish I could give more specifics about my personal theory on every detail of how this is related to premature ejaculation but it is quite a complex subject, and maybe I will make a post about it someday. Although perhaps it is better not to give advice too specific that serves the deactivate the internal guidance system as the Peat proverb goes. What I can say simply is that, for me, ideas about posture, movement, gait, exercise have been a rabbit hole comparable to ideas about diet, where there is no one person/group (even Ray Peat) that has ALL the answers for what will help any given individual. For me with movement, the ideas of the GOATA group have been like Ray Peat for diet: I think they have the best model even if they don't have all the answers for how to approach all specifics of movement correction for each person. Unfortunately there is nowhere that they have really laid out all their ideas for free on the internet and they are not great at explaining it all (they want people to hire a coach because at the end of the day they are a business selling coach certifications like most of these different movement/posture theory groups are) but the Primal Movement channel of the video I linked in my above post is pretty good. I also have gotten great info from the Art of Move podcast on youtube, especially the episodes with Eric Tesi.

I did have a thought about the calcium carbonate: for me intestinal inflammation exacerbates the pelvic muscle and hip flexor tension and makes me tend more into pressurizing the anterior chain and tend towards the issue with premature ejaculation. Perhaps the calcium carbonate is irritating your intestine, I believe it did for me the few times I have tried it.
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Nov 1, 2021
I am not familiar with the postural restoration institute, but after looking at the page you linked about PEC I would suggest you consider the idea that their model is wrong and their exercises could be contributing to your PE by inadvertently putting more tension on the lengthend hip flexors in gait and posture. I would suggest that slight anterior pelvic tilt is actually desirable, but only with the ribcage tucked into alignment, the pelvis and the hips behind the ribs, and the muscles of the back chain being dominant in creating locomotion. One problem with ideas of static posture are that once you start moving, your force production pattern will change your positioning and the changes you made in static posture become irrelevant.

I wish I could give more specifics about my personal theory on every detail of how this is related to premature ejaculation but it is quite a complex subject, and maybe I will make a post about it someday. Although perhaps it is better not to give advice too specific that serves the deactivate the internal guidance system as the Peat proverb goes. What I can say simply is that, for me, ideas about posture, movement, gait, exercise have been a rabbit hole comparable to ideas about diet, where there is no one person/group (even Ray Peat) that has ALL the answers for what will help any given individual. For me with movement, the ideas of the GOATA group have been like Ray Peat for diet: I think they have the best model even if they don't have all the answers for how to approach all specifics of movement correction for each person. Unfortunately there is nowhere that they have really laid out all their ideas for free on the internet and they are not great at explaining it all (they want people to hire a coach because at the end of the day they are a business selling coach certifications like most of these different movement/posture theory groups are) but the Primal Movement channel of the video I linked in my above post is pretty good. I also have gotten great info from the Art of Move podcast on youtube, especially the episodes with Eric Tesi.

I did have a thought about the calcium carbonate: for me intestinal inflammation exacerbates the pelvic muscle and hip flexor tension and makes me tend more into pressurizing the anterior chain and tend towards the issue with premature ejaculation. Perhaps the calcium carbonate is irritating your intestine, I believe it did for me the few times I have tried it.
Ah that's really interesting... I'm not sure if I've understood it but the postural position they are recommending is exactly the type of posture that I have been carrying myself in though. And seems to coincide with symptoms.

I don't see how one can become hamstring dominant if they are forcing their hamstrings into a lengthened / compromised position in an APT though... also, in this position, we are shortening and tightening the hip flexor and quads, tensing up the lower back, hiking our rib cage and lengthening the abs.... which I have tried to compensate for by holding the belly tight to stop the "pooch" that can occur with APT. This is just from a glance, maybe I have not understood it properly.

PRI teach that the pelvic floor and breathing diaphragms should be neutral with each other, and more or less parallel with the floor. To make this happen, everything needs to come backwards - the rib cage needs to move down and back, the pelvis needs to find neutral, weight on the heels rather than the balls.

This is (a very exaggerated) PEC:


This canister position is neutral (scissor position occurs with PEC):



Sep 27, 2015
Ah that's really interesting... I'm not sure if I've understood it but the postural position they are recommending is exactly the type of posture that I have been carrying myself in though. And seems to coincide with symptoms.

I don't see how one can become hamstring dominant if they are forcing their hamstrings into a lengthened / compromised position in an APT though... also, in this position, we are shortening and tightening the hip flexor and quads, tensing up the lower back, hiking our rib cage and lengthening the abs.... which I have tried to compensate for by holding the belly tight to stop the "pooch" that can occur with APT. This is just from a glance, maybe I have not understood it properly.

PRI teach that the pelvic floor and breathing diaphragms should be neutral with each other, and more or less parallel with the floor. To make this happen, everything needs to come backwards - the rib cage needs to move down and back, the pelvis needs to find neutral, weight on the heels rather than the balls.

This is (a very exaggerated) PEC:


This canister position is neutral (scissor position occurs with PEC):

The problem with this "scissor" position is the rib flare that puts the center of gravity too far back. Take the "canister" position but imagine tilting the pelvis forward slightly from there and the rest of the canister (the ribcage) follows tilting forward but in the same alignment. This is the way all babies, indigenous hunter gatherers, and wild primates like gorillas tend to hold themselves. Check out Esther Gokhale's description of a J shaped spine for a static posture demonstration of back chain dominant posture. But her theories don't take the position into motion the way GOATA or other spinal engine based theories do.

I don't see how one can become hamstring dominant if they are forcing their hamstrings into a lengthened / compromised position in an APT though... also, in this position, we are shortening and tightening the hip flexor and quads
This was the hardest part for me to come to understand and this is what's so hard to explain. The people at GOATA are marketing to athletes so they don't really explain the mechanisms behind their theory well. Basically my understanding is that the whole model of "short" and "tight" going together is (mostly) wrong, this is a bit like Ray Peat's thinking on diet, its a complete 180 from the mainstream science view. I think part of the issue is that mainstream biomechanics focuses on muscle contraction and concentric load, whereas the effects and mechanisms of posture and gait have more to do with fascia and eccentric load on the muscle.

To take the tension off the anterior chain, the hamstrings and glutes need to be "long and strong" and the hip flexors should be "short and relaxed" (this describes how they act in standing, walking and sitting, it doesn't mean they can't be flexible as well and in my case it improved flexibility) . The best way I can explain this is when a muscle chain is always lengthened and pressurized in posture it is a constant eccentric load on the muscle to avoid over stretching, the fascia and muscle adapt to that position by adopting a tighter muscle tone to adapt to the constant eccentric contraction.

In front chain dominant position (hips forward or right below the ribcage), the hip flexors and quads are "stretched" out but this does not make them flexible or relaxed because there is a constant eccentric load on the muscle. They are both tight and long. This is what creates the tension in the hip flexors and inappropriate tension in the pelvic muscles.

In back chain dominant position the hip flexors are "flexed" or "shortened" but they are relaxed in the sense that there is no eccentric load since they are not fighting gravity, while the glutes and hamstrings are lengthened and loaded eccentrically, creating strength in the long range position. This allow the pelvic muscles to relax and puts the glutes and hamstrings in a strong position for the gait cycle where each leg can alternately create concentric force (without conctracting all the way--gait does not contain hip thrusts like the top of a squat or deadlift) and then return to lengthened.

This is all a bit of an over simplification as I still have much to learn on the subject but it has definitely all worked this way for me as I have worked on my own movement and posture.


Jul 10, 2016
Thanks SonOfEurope. What foods would you suggest though?

I see foods high in magnesium are: grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, leafy greens - all foods that I thought it would be better to avoid if possible.

The way I eat, mostly cleaned and soaked rice (till all the talcum powder is out) potatoes and sweet potatoes, when I cook my meats medium rare (I tend to eat them around 1pm - apart from the carbohydrates - for better digestion ) is I cover them in spinach and kale leafs prior to a short pan frying in butter or Co-il.

The messed up thing about magnesium is that our soils have been globally depleted.. even in North Africa which is brutal to realise when you know the balance between magnesium and calcium is one of the essences for life.

If you can even spare one day of the week with a soup heavy in leafy greens and gelatinous meats from beef or poultry, as well as incorporate good high quality chocolate in your diet, it will help... having a satisfying orgasm (no joke) every 6-7 days and letting the gradual reset set in.

Our bodies adapt slower than our minds wish it could - that's one of humanity's greatest weaknesses, it will lead you to understand slow progress is slow but sure.

Also, I sound repetitive but I can't put enough emphasis on this- eat only during daylight (not just dating) hours unless you're in Scandinadia where days are less than 6 hours in winter... it's best if you eat breakfast one hour before sunrise than one hour after sunset.

I know it's tough but you learn to make it through the three terrible months of November, December and January after some years and will feel like Superman in March once adapted, beans and lentils do contain a lot of MAG but they are troublesome for other reasons (and I'm not taking about the fibre part - that's beneficial to the colon if anything) Tropical fruits could still do it problem is we don't really have access to the good stuff in Europe and North America past Central Mexico... let me tell you sonething most on this forum don't know - in South America even the beef steaks have an indescribable different taste than the things we buy in "the western wurrld " supermarkets... I can't really describe it but the best would be that it tastes like real food, same with mangoes, papaya, peach, and the tropical fatty fruits.

SOCIALIZE with women and men and relate to them, our dopamine system is screwed up on purpose and the human mind is incomprehensiby complex so nteraction is the key to sexual mastered prowess.. as silly as it may sound.
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Nov 12, 2021
Hey OP,
There was a master thread around here, and I think I linked to it here:

Bone broth / Gelatin may be the answer you're looking for.


Nov 1, 2021
The problem with this "scissor" position is the rib flare that puts the center of gravity too far back. Take the "canister" position but imagine tilting the pelvis forward slightly from there and the rest of the canister (the ribcage) follows tilting forward but in the same alignment. This is the way all babies, indigenous hunter gatherers, and wild primates like gorillas tend to hold themselves. Check out Esther Gokhale's description of a J shaped spine for a static posture demonstration of back chain dominant posture. But her theories don't take the position into motion the way GOATA or other spinal engine based theories do.

This was the hardest part for me to come to understand and this is what's so hard to explain. The people at GOATA are marketing to athletes so they don't really explain the mechanisms behind their theory well. Basically my understanding is that the whole model of "short" and "tight" going together is (mostly) wrong, this is a bit like Ray Peat's thinking on diet, its a complete 180 from the mainstream science view. I think part of the issue is that mainstream biomechanics focuses on muscle contraction and concentric load, whereas the effects and mechanisms of posture and gait have more to do with fascia and eccentric load on the muscle.

To take the tension off the anterior chain, the hamstrings and glutes need to be "long and strong" and the hip flexors should be "short and relaxed" (this describes how they act in standing, walking and sitting, it doesn't mean they can't be flexible as well and in my case it improved flexibility) . The best way I can explain this is when a muscle chain is always lengthened and pressurized in posture it is a constant eccentric load on the muscle to avoid over stretching, the fascia and muscle adapt to that position by adopting a tighter muscle tone to adapt to the constant eccentric contraction.

In front chain dominant position (hips forward or right below the ribcage), the hip flexors and quads are "stretched" out but this does not make them flexible or relaxed because there is a constant eccentric load on the muscle. They are both tight and long. This is what creates the tension in the hip flexors and inappropriate tension in the pelvic muscles.

In back chain dominant position the hip flexors are "flexed" or "shortened" but they are relaxed in the sense that there is no eccentric load since they are not fighting gravity, while the glutes and hamstrings are lengthened and loaded eccentrically, creating strength in the long range position. This allow the pelvic muscles to relax and puts the glutes and hamstrings in a strong position for the gait cycle where each leg can alternately create concentric force (without conctracting all the way--gait does not contain hip thrusts like the top of a squat or deadlift) and then return to lengthened.

This is all a bit of an over simplification as I still have much to learn on the subject but it has definitely all worked this way for me as I have worked on my own movement and posture.
Hi Nick,

Many thanks for this.

You just jogged my memory - it was actually Esther Gokhale's information that made me change my posture to this more extended posture about 5 or 6 years ago... perhaps I have been doing it wrong...

Around 5 or so years ago I started hyper-focusing on squats / hip thrusts in my bodybuilding training, but also my posture overall (oral posture and "mewing", but also spinal posture and the Esther Gokhale Method...) - I think this has actually created some dysfunctions where my body is out of alignment - but I've been in the holding pattern for so long that I can't break out of it.

I'm not saying their method is wrong (Gokhale or GOATA), but the cues I took from this has put me into this problem.

Nevertheless, this was 5 or 6 years ago... whilst I did occasionally notice some issues with control then (5-10 mins intercourse), it was *no where near* as bad as it has become in the last year and a bit...... maybe the two things are not related at all - but I suspect incorrect diaphragm and pelvic floor diaphragm alignment is likely to lead to a whole host of symptoms. Namely:

In women: vaginismus (where penetration becomes impossible), urinary incontinence, possibly even prolapse, pain during sex

In men: hard flaccid, premature ejaculation, possibly erectile dysfunction for some, urinary incontinence / post-stream drip etc.......... I can't believe I'm having to talk about this stuff at age 32 - this is a problem for an old-age pensioner! (and even they would not welcome it!)

I'll give these links and honest look and try to understand it all.


Nov 1, 2021
The way I eat, mostly cleaned and soaked rice (till all the talcum powder is out) potatoes and sweet potatoes, when I cook my meats medium rare (I tend to eat them around 1pm - apart from the carbohydrates - for better digestion ) is I cover them in spinach and kale leafs prior to a short pan frying in butter or Co-il.

The messed up thing about magnesium is that our soils have been globally depleted.. even in North Africa which is brutal to realise when you know the balance between magnesium and calcium is one of the essences for life.

If you can even spare one day of the week with a soup heavy in leafy greens and gelatinous meats from beef or poultry, as well as incorporate good high quality chocolate in your diet, it will help... having a satisfying orgasm (no joke) every 6-7 days and letting the gradual reset set in.

Our bodies adapt slower than our minds wish it could - that's one of humanity's greatest weaknesses, it will lead you to understand slow progress is slow but sure.

Also, I sound repetitive but I can't put enough emphasis on this- eat only during daylight (not just dating) hours unless you're in Scandinadia where days are less than 6 hours in winter... it's best if you eat breakfast one hour before sunrise than one hour after sunset.

I know it's tough but you learn to make it through the three terrible months of November, December and January after some years and will feel like Superman in March once adapted, beans and lentils do contain a lot of MAG but they are troublesome for other reasons (and I'm not taking about the fibre part - that's beneficial to the colon if anything) Tropical fruits could still do it problem is we don't really have access to the good stuff in Europe and North America past Central Mexico... let me tell you sonething most on this forum don't know - in South America even the beef steaks have an indescribable different taste than the things we buy in "the western wurrld " supermarkets... I can't really describe it but the best would be that it tastes like real food, same with mangoes, papaya, peach, and the tropical fatty fruits.

SOCIALIZE with women and men and relate to them, our dopamine system is screwed up on purpose and the human mind is incomprehensiby complex so nteraction is the key to sexual mastered prowess.. as silly as it may sound.
Thank you Son of Europe.

There seem to be two schools of thought with this problem in terms of how to solve:

(1) figure out the specific ins and outs (if you'll pardon the phrase) of premature ejaculation, exactly what is going on, exactly what mechanisms are dysfunctional - and from there, we can try to fix it.


(2) it is a problem of an ungrounded, unnatural, stressed, tense individual. A return to nature (and nurture) and good metabolism is required to fix.

Your advice seems to fall more into the second camp. I hugely appreciate this, and feel that there is a lot of wisdom in this approach. But also, I find this approach very scary.... it is very difficult to know what to do to make this change really sink in.

Sometimes I feel like I need to quit everything and go and live on a desert island for a year or two... but this may not be practical. But then you try to compromise and say "let's not make massive changes, let's just relax from work, go for lots of walks, eat heart-y food, try to calm your nervous system down, get closer to nature" etc. etc. - all very worthwhile things. But there is obviously no guarantee that you will fix the root of the problem from these things... you just have to trust and hope. This is very hard for me to do...


Nov 1, 2021
You take anything else? Sum up everything you take supplements, herbs, etc.
Hi Mister,

In the past 18 months:
- ADEK (Estroban) - usually half dose
- B Complex on and off
- Kuinone (Extra K2)
- experimented with minute doses of prog, preg and DHEA (1-3mg max per day) - but these experiments were *after* the PE reached severe levels, I don't think this could be compounding it
- Magnesium Chloride Baths
- Oral Calcium Carbonate (as discussed)

In the past 5 years, I have also taken ZMA (Zinc, Mag, B6), and higher does of D3, and some iodine.

No herbs. No drugs. Hardly any alcohol. No tobacco.


Nov 5, 2021
those who take phenibut, which has something to do with gaba, claim it makes them last forever


Nov 1, 2021
Hey OP,
There was a master thread around here, and I think I linked to it here:

Bone broth / Gelatin may be the answer you're looking for.
Hi Baudoman,

Many thanks for this.

I have been consuming 30g of bovine gelatin every day for around 1 year. I haven't had bone broth though, only bone marrow (beef bone marrow) on rare occasions.

Thank you so much for the link - all things I have tried and attempted to varying degrees:

1) Gelatin consumed at 30g per day as discussed
2) Grounding / Earthing is definitely an interesting one. I definitely do not do enough of it, but I do try to stand out on the grass a lot bare-footed in summer. I also have grounding wristbands etc. that I have used in the past... I do find I pick up static sometimes though.
3) Not tried prostate massage... not really a fan of things being put up there.
4) Breathwork - I am currently working very hard to try to improve / restore my posture and breathing function, I do think the two are linked. I have come on leaps and bounds since last year (I believe) but not seen any PE improvement.
5) EMF Reduction - I used cabled internet in my house specifically to reduce Wifi wireless signals. I do not have wireless wifi. My EMF meter reads well below 100 mV/m of dirty electricity / RF / EMF - often below 10 mV/m as well. I think I am pretty good with this.
6) Magnesium Supplementation - this was kind of mentioned in the OP. I am only just now looking into Magnesium supps - I thought maybe the extra Calcium has made this problem worse - the muscles are very good at flexing, not very good at relaxing.......... interesting to read, many thanks.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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