Not sure where you're at. March would still be winter in the US or just the start of spring. Winter is when I always get the flu, but that was before twenty years ago, when I had my last flu and never again.My vitamin D status was fine (I know from bloodwork), and avoiding people has nothing to do with getting sunlight. I do tons of yard work, gardening, etc.
They could be accurate enough to tell you are sick of something but not what exactly you are sick of.Yes, and I didn't "go" anywhere, they were rapid tests. I've taken a couple while feeling normal, a few while feeling slightly off-kilter, and one when feeling VERY bad (extreme tachycardia in the 120bpm range). That time, it came back positive (as did all my family members, who had similar symptoms).
Thus, the rapid tests are accurate. They are detecting something.
Since you share the same lifestyle more or less, you and your family members share a similar vulnerability.
In an apartment I used then, with a shared heating system with other tenants, the very dry air makes it harder for the mucous membranes to trap foreign particles.
But these are specifics that may not apply to you.
Like I said, I got very sick too. Unlike what I experienced before. Tachycardia. Cramps. Dry coughing that kept me from sleeping. But I kept a log of what I took, and suspect it was the tetracycline and the potassium citrate I took days before that set me up to get sick.
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