Iron Metabolism


May 10, 2022
I do egg whites all the time, kinda expensive tho, everything is tho. Sometimes i just fry 3 eggs regular, and eat around 2 of the yolks and throw them out.


Oct 28, 2019
I've been focussing on oxalates over the last six months because I was having kidney issues along with anemia and poor sleep. Oxalates cause anemia, interfere with iron metabolism and people often start having issues after taking an antibiotic. Made me think of this thread.

May not be related but worth looking into I think. B12 would also make oxalate issues worse for me for some reason.

Endogenous oxalate production isn't talked about much and this is probably the root of the problem for a lot of people rather than dietary consumption. In simple terms anything that increases LDH will increase oxalate synthesis.


May 10, 2022
Yeah, agree about oxalates, and there might be problems with protein metabolism and everything. Thats partly why i was saying lemon water earlier, to ward off crap building up. hydration is key. Looking at 5 bottles of regular water a day to maintain. I do lemons too.


Dec 20, 2016
Thanks guys. Yea oxalate I’ve monitored with oats. Pretty low ox diet. I’m pretty big on active b6 and calcium. Haven’t noticed them since 2019 being an issue.

Im seeing things through biochemistry. And everything I learned. It just seems like nadph vs fad seems to be the battle.

And the problem is raising fad just continues to raise nadph heavily due to my currently very high b12.

2 days of 250mg b2 time released 2x daily… I can’t do that. It’s too much. I can’t eat. Feeling anemic. Just so bad.

I think I’ll go back to the 25mg 2-3x.

Both my machine and bloodwork are showing this. B12 continuously going high. Blood work and showing threonine high.


May 10, 2022
Ok, i did a quick google search on theonine. Something that stuck out was it was for making mucus. What if you changed your diet somehow to make more mucus. Also, said it could be used for Krebs cycle. So maybe lemon water for citrates, idk.


May 10, 2022
What is this. Bruschi


Oct 23, 2015
@bruschi11 posting the DM here:

I’ve been able to put together basically gbold electrolytes next to Meredith’s A stuff next to Wilson nutritional balancing next to GRJ protocol. I think gbolds electrolytes protocol basically allows A to work. But it’s complex .

I’ve been able to really put everything together. Why I’ve dumped copper at times. Why I haven’t for 2 years now.

NAD’s might help some people but we want to be consistently producing nadh nad nadph nadp at appropriate levels. Gbold said it “can’t give nad in alkalosis” this is part of my problem. I’m in bad alkalosis and my b12 is high. Raising fad is part of my approach currently, so raising FAD activates my high b12 raising NAD that I do not want.

So no I don’t think raising nad is what we really want. We just want good normal nad. Don’t let it drop. It is important in this operation.

Nadh is where I have been lost for 18-24 months. I’ve been really bad a long time. I did phos choline IVs two years ago. They saved me at first htma got nice and I was back on feet for a few months. BUT choline depletes inositol. Liver enzymes went high. Took 2 years and the development of definitely early Parkinson’s for me to solved the inositol part.

Fixing inositol allows FAD to go up recycling choline and glycine. Glycine puts chloride in the cell retaining potassium hence why people like you and I had incredible reactions to b2 originally.

Again the high b12 is my issue as it made me anemic . Fad (nadh helps too) activating b12 puts iron in the cell. Iron I don’t have cuz of my low test. Choline (choline IVs) block testosterone’s conversion to estrogen. Hence why I probably recovered two years ago.

But b12 putting iron in the cell takes potassium with it putting it in the cell. If chloride is there (fad/ glycine) potassium will be retained.

When that happens….. you hear all that sugar talk on this forum. People doing enemas up their pee hole with straight dextrose?

Well….. potassium in the cell? That’s the stuff that allows the cell to receive sugar.

Ultimately vitamin A metabolism allows copper availability . But there’s a lot to fixing vitamin A metabolism. It’s kind of king here.


Dec 20, 2016

lol…. @Orion misunderstood me in our dm. I asked if I could put my dm to him in my log cuz I didn’t feel like writing it again. He copy and pasted what I wrote onto my log. It’s alll good that’s what I wanted to post.

lol the pee hole thing is a joke. I mess around with that. I’m mocking Dr Wilson who does have some good ideas. Dr Wilson legit says people can do pee hole coffee enemas and vaginal coffee enemas. Crazy stuff.


May 10, 2022
Thats cool that you figured it out this far. So now that fixed insotol, can you take choline again. What would that do? I forget about your liver panel what is high. What about alpha gpc, would that help you mentally or maybe set you off?


Dec 20, 2016
Thats cool that you figured it out this far. So now that fixed insotol, can you take choline again. What would that do? I forget about your liver panel what is high. What about alpha gpc, would that help you mentally or maybe set you off?

Don’t know what alpha gpc is? Hormone supp?

Yes I’m taking choline and back to working on hormones focusing on down regulating nadph which I really think is killing me along with sulfite. Working with Meredith Arthur and she’s seeing long time sulfite toxicity along with SST which comes from sulfite. This is why my liver enzymes are high.

The sulfite steals chloride. Which is biggest piece to retaining potassium and electrolytes in cell. Bloodwork after crazy reaction Turning system on 6 weeks ago showed dead chloride. It had to be sulfite- system turns on makes tons of cysteine and it has nowhere to go in iron/moly deficiency so turns to sulfite and SST both killers.

But it seems in order to mitigate sulfite we really have to get iron up. Testo hasn’t been great using 3mg of T suspension every 2-3 days last two weeks. But dhea/androsterone might be ok as I just started this and seem to be doing better on them than test.

Starting keto in a few days (Waiting to do oats and Dutch test) as I’m going to be focusing on blocking nadph. Looking at NTT enzyme as it moves both nadh and nadp (which I need) to nad and nadph which are both high.

I’m still in a tough spot but I have a lot more clarity.

Also liver enzymes were fixed by inositol and and tsh dropped a whole point (good thing.)

I still think the high b12 is causing issues raising nadph and causing anemia. I really think b12 and copper compete.


May 10, 2022
Truly i dont know the nitty gritty of what alpha gpc is. I dont know anything google can't tell at the moment. Other than personal experience, I have tried it a lot, and I think its up your alley. Might want to give it a try. They say take it with choline. Its not choline. I cant say how taking it will alter the chemistry you see on your oligoscan, but I it helped me recover to an extent mentally.


Dec 20, 2016
Truly i dont know the nitty gritty of what alpha gpc is. I dont know anything google can't tell at the moment. Other than personal experience, I have tried it a lot, and I think it’s up your alley. Might want to give it a try. They say take it with choline. It’s not choline. I cant say how taking it will alter the chemistry you see on your oligoscan, but I it helped me recover to an extent mentally.

Truly i dont know the nitty gritty of what alpha gpc is. I dont know anything google can't tell at the moment. Other than personal experience, I have tried it a lot, and I think its up your alley. Might want to give it a try. They say take it with choline. Its not choline. I cant say how taking it will alter the chemistry you see on your oligoscan, but I it helped me recover to an extent mentally.
I ordered it. Thanks for heads up.

Next step looking at ceruloplasmin. It dropped this year. For the first time in 4 years.

Hormones aren’t going to help brain health raising iron and copper in a system without your iron and copper carrier (ceruloplasmin.)

Nadph is still the culprit unfortunately. Dhea seems to be the least invasive on ceruloplasmin beyond raising iron and copper when you look at a hormone chart. Because it’s dht which puts calcium in the cell raising glutamate pressuring nad and copper.

Androsterone and test raising dht is tough on nad. Specifically when excess b12 is constantly raising nadph.

I have more to add. This is definitely a piece here. Fixing ceruloplasmin was big in 2020 and it stayed good for several years there.


Dec 20, 2016
I think it’s hif1a from high cholesterol and b12 behind the majority of my symptoms. Hif1a also puts demand on alanine which I believe competes with bmaa which ends up causing Parkinson’s.



Dec 20, 2016
Coffee enema the other day was a lot but I learned about GST quite a bit in all this.

I honestly think I pushed GST (glutathione s transferase) too hard between ‘17-‘20 or so. I mean I barely did coffee enemas like once every two weeks in late ‘19 - mid 2020. But I did a lot prior.

And the last few years been mainly pushing gluth reductase (fad/nadph). We really need to have GR and GST in balance. And that seems to be problem.

GST kills hif1a and lowers cholesterol. I think it’s very much pro thyroid.

I really want to do a long juice fast to get cholesterol down and weight off and see what happens. I do think the cholesterol and b12 are causing the hif1 to explode and cause the massive issues im having really developing Parkinson’s.

This has been a very hard several days for me mentally. I know how bad the mistakes I made were in my treatment neglecting the high cholesterol, neglecting the 50 lbs I’ve put on in the last 4 years. It’s all very sad cuz I did incredible things in late 2010s and late 2020 both time periods involved extra hard work on overall health. Not just focus on Vits and minerals.

Nutritional balancing was just too real and it caught me but the stuff I did before NB. The fasting liver flushing coffee enemas and so on. They were so big for me.

The first thing that really opened my eyes after treating Lyme was a 2 week juice fast with like 80oz of juice and at least 1 coffee enema daily. It was like Gerson without food. It changed my life and gave me a chance that year. From there I lived an incredible recovery. I really wonder what happened during that original fast.


Dec 20, 2016
I think the body raises hydrogen extreme hard with hif1 elevated. Pushing nadph.

And the hydrogen is why out competes copper.

I think this is why some people like biotin for copper. Many will say it like me last year , a friend on this forum, Shawn bean- we all have said at times that biotin clearly retains copper.

The nitrogen from biotin controls the excess hydrogen. Problem is we want to need carbon in this setting and nitrogen can take that down/

The key is just getting liver working in a way that allows copper and iron out of the liver. And this entails several things that need to happen.

it’s copper as cu1 (sah to homocysteine) and zinc (active b6 for cysteine) that lead to carbon/cysteine/ sulfur. This is what we want. Live needs to feed brain copper it’s painfully obvious. Sadly this is what I was saying 2 years ago.


Dec 20, 2016
Have you ever tried CoQ10? Or measured your serum CoQ10?

Coq10 I believe was good in my oats a year ago. I feel like I’ve read coq10 ubiquinol are part of systems im working on but I never reacted to coq10 and oats said ok so.

Getting another oats back this week
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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