Have you read the COVID 19 Vaccine Consent Form?


Jan 25, 2014
Quick video from Yusef El that get's right to the point-

Here is the form he read from Inova- https://www.inova.org/sites/default/files/covid-19/documents/Inova_COVID_Vaccine_Consent.pdf

I declare that I or my child is 16 years of age or older. I further declare that I or my child:
1. Have not experienced anaphylaxis (difficulty breathing) or severe allergic reactions from a previous vaccination or an injectable medication.
2. Have not had any other vaccinations in the previous 14 days (e.g. MMR, Shingrix, Varicella, or a TB skin test).
3. Is not currently sick with a fever, active respiratory infection or other moderate/severe illness.
4. Has have not received monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma for treatment of COVID-19 within the past ninety (90) days.
5. Is not allergic to the following ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccine: mRNA, lipids((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6, 1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N, N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1, 2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate and sucrose. I understand that if I or my child have any of the above conditions, I or my child could be at increased risk of having a negative reaction or problem from the vaccine.
Number 5 would be hilarious if it weren't so potentially tragic. How would someone know if they are allergic to mRNA? It's never been used before. Ditto the other novel ingredients.
I further declare that if I or my child have any of the following conditions, I have had the opportunity to speak with my or my child’s primary care provider and am making an informed decision to receive the vaccine or to have my child receive the vaccine: 1. Pregnant, attempting to become pregnant or breastfeeding; 2. Have a bleeding disorder or are on a blood thinner; 3. Are immunocompromised or are taking a medication that affects the immune system (such as cortisone, prednisone, other steroids, or anticancer drugs; drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease or psoriasis; HIV/AIDS, cancer, leukemia, ankylosing spondylitis or radiation treatments). I agree to WAIT near the clinic location for 15 minutes after receiving the vaccine. If I or my child have previously had a severe allergic reaction to a vaccine or injectable medication,
Others have posted pictures of pregnant women, some of them MDs themselves, voluntarily taking this shot. How informed could that decision possibly be? The trials excluded pregnant woman. They are the guniea pigs.
I agree to WAIT near the clinic location for 30 minutes after receiving the vaccine. I understand that the COVID-19 vaccine is a two-part vaccine series. By signing this consent, I am agreeing that I or my child will receive the first and second part of the vaccine series. I understand that the common risks associated with the COVID-19 vaccine include but are not limited to pain, redness or swelling at the site of injection, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, joint pain, fever, nausea, feeling unwell or swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy).

I understand that the vaccine may cause a severe allergic reaction which can include anaphylaxis (difficulty breathing, swelling of the face and throat, a fast heartbeat, a rash all over the body, dizziness and/or weakness). I understand that these may not be all the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine as the vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials. I also understand that it is not possible to predict all possible side effects or complications which could be associated with the vaccine. I understand that the long-term side effects or complications of this vaccine are not known at this time. I understand that the vaccination is being given by Inova Health System Foundation and its affiliates (collectively Inova). Theowner and/or operator of this site, their affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents expressly disclaim any responsibility for the vaccination.

My consent is given in light of this knowledge, and in consideration of Inova giving the COVID-19 vaccine. I, for myself and my heirs, administrators, trustees, executors, assigns and successors in interest do hereby agree to release and hold harmless Inova, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliates, successors, assigns, officers, trustees, employees, volunteers and agents from and against any and all demands, damages, losses, costs, expenses, obligations, liabilities, claims, actions and cause of action (whether any of which is groundless or otherwi se) of any nature whatsoever (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs) by reason of or resulting, in any way, from any and all acts, accidents, events, occurrences, omissions and the like related to, or arising out of, directly or indirectly, my receipt of this COVID-19 vaccine. Inova makes no warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose regarding the vaccine or its effectiveness.

I acknowledge receipt of Inova’s Notice of Privacy Practi ces. Medicare Part B Recipients: I understand Inova will process Medicare Part B claims on my behalf and accepts Medicare payment in full. I understand I must present my Medicare card prior to receiving the vaccine. I understand that if I have assigned my Medicare benefits to a Medicare Advantage Plan (like an HMO or PPO), I must receive my COVID-19 vaccine shot from my HMO/managed care provider or pay the Inova charge. Private Insurance Participants: If I have private insurance, I understand that Inova will not bill my insurance carrier on my behalf, and that I am responsible for paying the required fee for this vaccine to Inova and for pursuing reimbursement from my health insurance carrier. Inova cannot guarantee that this service will be reimbursable by insurance. I have read and understood “What To Do If You Have A Reaction To The COVID-19 Vaccination” and the “Fact Sheet” by the FDA regarding the COVID-19 Vaccination. I further understand and agree that Inova is required to submit COVID-19 vaccine administration data to the Virginia Immunization Information System (VIIS), and report moderate and severe adverse events following vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). I understand and agree to all of the above and I hereby give my consent to the staff of Inova to give me or my child a COVID-19 vaccine

Although fairly dry and legal language, it's pretty straightforward and clear-

1. This shot does have side effects, some serious.
2. Not all side effects are listed or even known.
3. Long term side effects can't be known at this time.
4. This vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials.
5. We can't even promise you this shot works.
6. We have no liability for giving you this shot.
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and then if you die from the vaccine and your family says the vaccine killed you, the media and so called experts will say "people die all the time and theres no correlation to the vaccine, they probably had an underlying medical condition" as if the underlying medical condition doesn't apply to covid....


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
So your supposed to read this when you are in line? Wow.
It takes time to understand this - I am guessing 99.9 will not read until they stop feeling chipper.

If you look up Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) there is also liability protection for stakeholders under the Prep Act:

"the PREP Act authorizes the HHS Secretary to issue a declaration (called a PREP Act declaration) that provides immunity (except for willful misconduct) for claims related to administration or use of countermeasures against CBRN agents to entities and individuals involved in the development, manufacture, testing, distribution, administration, and use of such countermeasures"

Also notice that 'they' are not supposed to use EUA if there is an existing medicine that is effective and in supply:

d. No Alternatives

"For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition. A potential alternative product may be considered “unavailable” if there are insufficient supplies of the approved alternative to fully meet the emergency need."


Jan 25, 2014
So your supposed to read this when you are in line? Wow.
It takes time to understand this - I am guessing 99.9 will not read until they stop feeling chipper.

If they don't read it before the shot, they probably won't read it at all.

The form itself doesn't seem particularly egregious. It's relatively short and to the point, and I would think most average people would come to the conclusions I listed if they actually read it. The form I fill out to donate blood is longer than this.

Of course, trying to even glance through a form like this at one of the mass vaccination sites is something most people probably won't do. They've probably already made up their mind, and will just sign this (or a similar form) to get it done. It's being sold as a privilege right now to get this shot.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
True believers have shut off the part of their mind that would enable them to process that form.


Aug 10, 2018
Potassium chloride????


Jul 25, 2020
Here is the form he read from Inova- https://www.inova.org/sites/default/files/covid-19/documents/Inova_COVID_Vaccine_Consent.pdf

Number 5 would be hilarious if it weren't so potentially tragic. How would someone know if they are allergic to mRNA? It's never been used before. Ditto the other novel ingredients.

Others have posted pictures of pregnant women, some of them MDs themselves, voluntarily taking this shot. How informed could that decision possibly be? The trials excluded pregnant woman. They are the guniea pigs.

Although fairly dry and legal language, it's pretty straightforward and clear-

1. This shot does have side effects, some serious.
2. Not all side effects are listed or even known.
3. Long term side effects can't be known at this time.
4. This vaccine is still being studied in clinical trials.
5. We can't even promise you this shot works.
6. We have no liability for giving you this shot.
Horrible, truly evil


Mar 8, 2021
It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so gross. And the people are begging for it.
Also - off topic but has anyone noticed people can’t wait to tell you they got their vaccine? Like they want some sort of praise for it. Totally bizarre.


Sep 5, 2015
It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so gross. And the people are begging for it.
Also - off topic but has anyone noticed people can’t wait to tell you they got their vaccine? Like they want some sort of praise for it. Totally bizarre.
Yes people will seek praise in the most absurd things. Ultimately it must be born from so many people living unfulfilling lives, desperately trying to get confirmation from their boss, coworkers, SoMe followers etc. Man, if people lived closer to and in better harmony with nature I dont think we would see this massive need for attention and affirmation. You see the same thing with food and diet (carnivore, vegans bla bla). It’s like people are attaching their identity to anything besides what really matters: how they treat other living beings! Sigh


Nov 29, 2017
The best line I’ve heard so far is... “ I’ll take the vaccine just so I can travel again.” I’ve heard some fairly intelligent people say this to me and all I can do is shake my head... Russian roulette with the half wits...
Jun 16, 2017
and then if you die from the vaccine and your family says the vaccine killed you, the media and so called experts will say "people die all the time and theres no correlation to the vaccine, they probably had an underlying medical condition" as if the underlying medical condition doesn't apply to covid....
Double standards work when you have the power to convince most of the population that those who see through the bullsh!t are crazy, or that don't care about human life etc. Being against the vaccine is actually being in FAVOR of human life.


Oct 6, 2020
Quick video from Yusef El that get's right to the point-

Can i download this somewhere? People wont read the form even if i tell them whats written in there ... after all, "all these experts, virologists, vaccinologists etc. can't be wrong and they wouldn't give it to us if it wasnt safe" is one of the most naive responses i get when i question their resolve on getting the vaccine.

The best line I’ve heard so far is... “ I’ll take the vaccine just so I can travel again.” I’ve heard some fairly intelligent people say this to me and all I can do is shake my head... Russian roulette with the half wits...

Yeah, That is another favorite among responses apparantly. Or "i want to go back to normality asap!"

How can they not see the blackmail ...

It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so gross. And the people are begging for it.
Also - off topic but has anyone noticed people can’t wait to tell you they got their vaccine? Like they want some sort of praise for it. Totally bizarre.

Oh my god yes. Its like a new fad diet, a new viral dance or a new piece of designer cloth or anything that makes the sheep feel like they belong for 5 seconds during a group conversation ...

True believers have shut off the part of their mind that would enable them to process that form.

Exactly ... most people i know, want it and go for it but when i trowh questions in or concerns they get silent real quick and ignore it like it never happened ... goddamnit i want these people to answer me instead of looking caught offguard like a deer on a road ... they should stand their ******* ground if the vaccine is so great they should be able to refute my arguments easily ... i am no expert myself after all.

Double standards work when you have the power to convince most of the population that those who see through the bullsh!t are crazy, or that don't care about human life etc. Being against the vaccine is actually being in FAVOR of human life.

Oh, the sad thing, the majority of humanity makes the consens on what is normal or right even if they are way off. And according to the sheeple, everyone who does not get the vaccine is a threat to humanity, antivaxxer and ofcourse a flatearther, conspiracy theorist and to top it off a criminal idiot who should be put in jail - do they even hear themself and their violent bull****?

The very people that haven't even read one of the studies or reports from the vaccine studies/manufacturers yell the loudest.


Oct 4, 2019
It’d be hilarious if it wasn’t so gross. And the people are begging for it.
Also - off topic but has anyone noticed people can’t wait to tell you they got their vaccine? Like they want some sort of praise for it. Totally bizarre.
Just say, "sorry to hear that"


Double standards work when you have the power to convince most of the population that those who see through the bullsh!t are crazy, or that don't care about human life etc. Being against the vaccine is actually being in FAVOR of human life.
the amount of people i saw cheer when RFK jr was banned on instagram was crazy. they were acting like they got rid of the devil they were so happy. the same RFK jr that's been fighting against Monsanto and other chemical companies in court, big agricultural companies, big techs power grasp, etc. basically the guy fighting against corporations for screwing over people's health is being branded as hitler by the same people who claim to be the party of human rights, workers rights, and anti corporations. we're living in upside down times


Jan 25, 2014
Can i download this somewhere? People wont read the form even if i tell them whats written in there ... after all, "all these experts, virologists, vaccinologists etc. can't be wrong and they wouldn't give it to us if it wasnt safe" is one of the most naive responses i get when i question their resolve on getting the vaccine.

You should be able to download the Inova form via the PDF link in the original post.
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