Anxiety and Panic attacks


New Member
Apr 30, 2024

Looking for anyone who might be able to help. long time listener, first time caller :)

I have been having anxiety and panic attacks. I will include a timeline and further info below.
38 Female, 200-204 pounds, long time coffee drinker and smoker.

last 8-12 months
been very low energy, depressed-ish, difficulty concentrating, difficulty remembering, hair line rash that kept getting worse and eventually hair line hair loss, inability to lose weight, increased depression after one day of dieting (which i then would stop dieting) .

About 8 weeks ago i started having anxiety /panic attacks. They would last for about 3 days then be off for about 3 days (during the off days i would still have a lot of anxiety).
Around this time i noticed i stopped sweating, eyebrows thinning, 2 week late mentral cycle. plus all the symptoms of anxiety/panic attacks- racing hear, feeling faint, dry mouth and thirsty, trouble thinking, trouble remembering, getting really tired while doing things, heart burn, night sweats, getting really tired after doing little things and weak limbs (like one flight of stairs), anxiety wooshes, nausea, slow digestion and heartburn, headache sometimes, weight gain about 5 pounds, woke from a anxiety/panic attack a few nights, wired but tired feeling. started monitoring my temperature throughout the day it was coming back like 98.1-98.3 F on average, hair line rash and hair line hair fall worsened.

April 2024
Sometime in April i started thyroid supplement from restorative formulations ( Vitamin D3 200 IU, B12 200mcg, iodine 100mcg, selenium 100mcg, kelp 250 mg, iris root 115mg, myrrh gum 60mg, nettle herb 50mg, ashwagandha root50mg, triphala fruit blend 40mg, ginger root 10mg). this supplement seemed to help the anxiety/panic attacks but the anxiety and wired but tired feeling remains. This supplement gives me brain fog, vertigo, and makes me very tired- i realize now.
Also, been off coffee for about 1.5 week or so now and i have noticed a general decrease in appetite while this is all going on.

I went to the dr to have them check my thyroid and for diabetes. (labs below from 3/29)-Labs came back and doctor prescribed me to take Vit D and iron because they were low and referred me to mental health

went to ER because of the vertigo and brain fog (labs below from 4/2), all normal per ED doc. had CT with iodine- seemed to be doing a little bit better overall after this- i assumed from the high iodine (hair line rash got a little better and symptoms got a little better)

went to holistic doctor who ordered labs (labs below from 4/19). holistic MD stated i needed to get my adrenals to calm down before we can treat the thyroid. He gave me two suppliments and the next day i had significant improvement.
I continued to take the adrenal suppliments and thyroid suppliment and, vitamin D (5000 IU daily) and iron daily (ferrous gluconate ) for about 2 weeks until 4/23. was going a lot better regarding the anxiety and anxiety/panic attacks. Hair rash and hair fall not improving but also not getting better.

adrenal suppliment 1 (calcium citrate 62.5 mg, magnesium oxide 62.5 mg, inositol 62.5mg, passion flower 31mg, valerian root 31mg, chamomile 12mg). take about 2 per day, otherwise i get vertigo and nausea.

Adrenal suppliment 2 (vitamin D 400 IU, ashwagandha 250mg, rhodiola 125mg, magnolia 100mg, L-theanine 50mg). *started at one per day and when i went up to two per day it gave me severe fatigue, muscle pain, bone pain and depression. stopped taking it per the holistic doctors instructions and mucle pain resolved. bone pain was resolved by eating two yogurts.

stopped the thyroid suppliment because i realized it was giving me brain fog and vertigo and fatigue.

was having a pretty good day re anxiety and energy.
saw new regular doctor who prescribed me levothyroxine. she said it would not make me worse and said my TSH was elivated and that i had hashimotos from looking at my 4/19 labs. I took the levothyroine around 2 pm and saw some mild improvements that afternoon/evening in focus and vertigo, but next day woke up with SEVERE brain fog. did not take any more levothyroxine there after. only took one capsule of the adrenal suppliment #1 this day

went to ER because i thought i was having thyroid storm (could not fall asleep, racing heart, slightly elevated temperature, heavy breathing, feeling light headed). ECG and cardiac markers ran twice, all came back fine. (labs below from 4/26). doctor gave me ativan and i was able to sleep on and off while at the ER. very tired the next day.

barely slept at all. got a couple hours here and there because when i go to fall asleep i get an adrenaline rush (chest pounding) - over and over and over all night long. obviously very tired the next day.
called the holistic doctor who told me the reason i had the reaction to levothyroxine is because my body is not making enough cortisol to keep up. told me to resume the suppliment plan i was on before (adrenal suppliment 1&2 and thyroid suppliment). said we can look at t3 but will need to get the adrenals to calm down again.

took the adrenal suppliments, did not take the thyroid suppliment.
took some gaba/lemon balm/l-theanine at bedtime, was able to get some sleep but still getting the adrenaline rushes when i go to sleep. maybe got 2-5 hours of sleep, very tired the next day.

in the morning my chest was pounding and i was having to keep deep breathing to catch my breath because from all of the adrenaline shots thru the night. took the thyroid suppliment in the am and it removed the adrenaline rush feeling (thank god) but also made me very tired all day (tried to walk in the evening and could barely do the 15 minute walk) + brain fog, this eventually wore off and i was feeling very pumped up towards the evening/bedtime. then at betime i took again the gaba/lemon balm/l-theanine and did not sleep at all because of the adrenaline rushes when i go to go to sleep. also tried benadryl towards the middle of the night- which removed the pounding heart, but still did not sleep because the adrenaline was keeping me awake.
took the adrenal suppliments through out the day.

in the morning around 5:45 got out of bed and drank some milk sugar and salt and this removed the adrenaline but i am so wired its like i did sleep a full 8 hours and drank 10 cups of coffee.
here I am sending my SOS!
today i plan to take the thyroid suppliment later in the day to hopefully address the adrenaline/adrenaline rushes at night.

Anyone have any idea what is going on?
my first concern is the adrenaline rushes when i am trying to go to sleep- any tips here would be great!
other questions- do you think the high iodine ive been taking is what triggered my labs to say hashimotos? I want to stop the thyroid supplement asap- but it does work for the adrenaline.
any idea why i reacted to levothyroxine the way i did?
maybe i do not even have hypothyroid and it is just my adrenals?
do you think that the thyroid supplement affected my thyroid labs (making them look better)?
after i fix the sleep issue, obviously i would like to correct again the anxiety/panic attacks, then the general anxiety, then i can worry about everything else (energy/depression/concentration/memory)


3/29 labs, fasting
Hgb A1C 5.4 (estimated average glucose 108mg/dL)
calcium 9.6 mg/dL
AGAP 6 mEq/L
CO2 26 mEq/L
chloride 106 mEq/L
Bun/creatine ratio 18
globulin 2.6 gm/dL
SGOT 13 unit/L
osmolality, calculated 274 mOsm/kg (low, normal is 278-305)
total protein 7.1 gm/dL
albumin 4.5gm/dL
sodium 138 mEq/L
ALT 23 unit/L
potassium 4 mEq/L
creatinine 0.6 mg.dL
ALB/GLOB ratio 1.7
alk phos 56 units/L
glucose 83 mg/dL
GFRE 112
bili total 0.4 mg/dL
WBC 7.77x10*3/uL
Abs imm granulocytes 0.02 x 10*3/uL
immature granulocytes 0.3%
abs basophils 0.1x 10*3/uL
abs eosinopohils 0.1x 10*3/uL
abs monocytes 0.6x 10*3/uL
abs lymphocytes 3.7x 10*3/uL
abs Seg neutrophils 3.2 x 10*3/uL
basophils 1%
eosinophils 2%
monocytes 8%
lymphs 48% (high, normal is 20-40%)
segs 41%( low, normal is 45-65%)
MPV 10.4fL
RDW 13.8%
MCHC 33.4 gm/dL
MCH 30.6pg
MCV 91.5 fL
platelet 370x 10*3/uL
Hct 42.8%
Hgb 14.3 gm/dL
RBC 4.68x10*6/uL
Iron 63 ug/dL
transferrin 287 mg/dL
TIBC 410 ug/dL
iron saturation 15.4% (low, normal is 20-50)
ferritin 6ng/mL (low, normal is 11-306.8)
cortisol 14.9mcg/dL
vitamin D 17 (low, normal is 30-100)
free t4 0.8 ng/dL
free t3 3.4pg/mL
TSH 3.42 mcIU/mL

4/2/24 ER labs non-fasting
ECG, CT with and without contrast iodine for brain vasculature and chest xray were normal (checking me for stroke and heart attack)
magnesium 1.9 mg/dL
TSH 2.81 mcIU/mL
high sensitivity troponin T <6 ng/L
Glucose 80 mg/dL, and later with finger prick 87 mg/dL
BUN 12 mg/dL
creatinine 0.5 mg/dL
eGFK >100 mL/Min/1.73m2
Sodium 140 mmol/L
Potassium 5.2mmol/L
Chloride 103mmol /L
CO2 26 mmol/L
Anion Gap 11 mmol/L
Calcium 9.4 mg/dL
WBC 11.26 k/mcL
RBC 4.6 m/Mcl
Hemaglobin 14.4 g/dL
hematocrit 14.4 %
MCV 90 fL
MCH 31.3 pg
MCHC 34.8 g/dL
RDW 13.4 %
Platelet count 386 k/mcL
MPV 10.1 fL
netrophiles ralative percent 56%
lymphocytes relative percent 33%
monocytes relative percent 8 %
eosinophils relative percent 1%
basophils relative percent 1%
immature granulocytes relative percent 0%
absolute neutrophil count 6.34 k/mCL
Absolute lymphocyte count 3.76 k/mcL (high, normal is 0.6-3.4)
Absoulte monocyte count 0.91 k/mcL
Absolute eosinophil count 0.13 k/mcL
immature granulocytes (Abs) 0.03 k/mcl
Nucleated red blood cells 0
Diff type: auto
[colorless, clear appearance, specific gravity 1.016, leukocyte esterase UA negative, pH UA 5.0, protein negative, nitrite negative, blood negative, glucose normal, ketones negative, bilirubin negative, urobilinogen normal ]
high sensitivity troponin T <6

4/4/24 labs, follow up from regular doctor
endomysial antibody screen IgA reflext to titer: negative
gliandinn antibody IgG, IgA: <1
gliandin IGG, IGA: <1
endomysial IgA autoa: negative

4/19/2024, labs from holistic MD
cholesterol total 144 mg/dL
triglycerides 81 mg/DL
HDL cholesterol 45 mg/dL
VLDL 16 mg/dL
LDL 83 mg/dL
RBC 4.79 x10*6/uL
G6PD quant, 262 U/10*12RBC
TSH 2.86 uIU/mL
free T4 1.11 ng/dL
free T3 3.3 pg/mL
Reverse T3 16.4 ng/dL
folate 16.2 ng/mL
DHEA 121 ug/dL
testosterone 27 ng/dL
Estradiol 27.7 pg/mL
progesterone 0.2 ng/mL
cortisol 9.5 ug/dL
vitamin D 34.9 ng/mL
C-reactive protein, cardiac 4.11 mg/L (high, normal is 1-3)
homocyst(e)ine 7.4 umol/L
Iron 54 ug/dL
ferritin 26 ng/mL
histamine 152 ng/mL (high, normal is 12-127)
Thyroid peroxidase TPO Ab 232 IU/mL (high, normal is 0-34)
Thyroglobulin antibody 3.4 IU/mL (high, normal is 0-0.9)
vitamin B12 1010 pg/mL
copper 101 ug/dL
Zinc 75 ug/dL
4/24/2024, non fasting labs
Vitamin b12, 1190 pg/mL (high, normal is 200-1100)
folate 22.9 ng/mL
iodine 66 mcg/L
vitamin D 38 ng/mL
homocystein 7.7 umol/L
checked again for ceiliacs- all negative/normal

4/26/2024 ER labs non-fasting
free T4 1.49 ng/dL
TSH with reflex free t4 4.53 mcIU/mL (High, normal is 0.4 - 4.0)
high sensitivity troponin T <6 ng/L
Auto WBC 10.73 k/mcL
RBC 4.72 m/mcL
hemoglobin 14.6 g/dL
hematocrit 42.6 %
MCV 90.3 fL
MCH 30.9 pg
MCHC 34.3 g/dL
RDW 13.6%
platelet coutn 348 k/mcL
MPV 10.6 fL (high, normal is 7.4 - 10.4)
neutrophils relative percent 52%
lyphocytes relative percent 37%
monocytes relative percent 8%
eosinophils relative percent 2%
basophils relative percent 1%
immature granulocytes relative percent 0 %
absolute neutrophil count 5.59 k/mcL
absolute lymphocyte count 3.98 k/mcL (high, normal is 0.6 - 3.4)
Absolute monocyte count 0.89 k/mcL
absolute eosinophil count 0.16 k/mcL
absolute basophil count 0.08 k/mcL
immature granulocytes Abs 0.03 k/mcL
nucleated red blood cells 0
diff type:Auto
Glucose 98 mg/dL
BUN 11 mg/dL
creatinine 0.59mg/dL
eGFR >100
sodium 141 mmol/L
potassium 4.1 mmol/L
chloride 105 mmol/L
CO2 25 mmol/L
anion gap 11 mmol/L
calcium 9.3 mg/dL
total protein 7.4 g/dL
albumin 4.6 g/dL
total bilirubin <0.2 mg/dL
alkaline phosphatase 81 U/L
AST 24 U/L
ALT 40 U/L (high, normal is 0-33)
[colorless, clear appearance, specific gravity 1.002 (low, normal is 1.005-1.030), leukocyte esterase UA negative, pH UA 6.5, protein negative, nitrite negative, blood negative, glucose normal, ketones negative, bilirubin negative, urobilinogen normal ]
high sensitivity troponin T <6
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