
  1. Pufa-Puffin

    Horrible case of reverse peristalsis, all attempts to fix backfire

    I have really bad case of reverse peristalsis. I'm vomiting foods I ate days ago, completely undigested. I feel nauseous 24/7/365. I was prescribed itopridi hydrochloridum on may different occasions. It is a pharmaceutical that is supposed to fix the peristalsis. But each time I took it, I got...
  2. J

    Help With Chronic Reflux

    Is it safe to drink 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda daily in water, to help keep chronic reflux at bay? Any other suggestions for dealing with reflux/ LPR?
  3. haidut

    GERD (acid Reflux) Is Caused By Inflammation, Not Stomach Acid

    I have always been suspicious of the massive GERD drug market and the fact that despite them being the most prescribed drugs in the USA, the incidence of esophageal cancer (which they were designed to prevent) has been rising with scary speed. The raw data from the clinical trials on PPI drugs...
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