
  1. P

    I Don't Exercise -- I Play

    When I look back on my childhood, it's striking how much time I spent playing. Every day after the last bell rang, I'd spend hours hanging around the schoolyard playing pickup basketball or touch football. In the summers I'd wander out of my house around 9am and come back around 8pm, having...
  2. haidut

    Half Of Millennials And 75% Of Gen Zers May Be Mentally Ill

    The bad news for the chronologically young just keep accumulating. About a week ago I posted another study demonstrating that, if current trends continue, Millenials will die earlier than their Gen X counterparts due to poor(er) health. That study was aggregate and included all sorts of reasons...
  3. haidut

    Rats Play Hide-and-seek For The Fun Of It, Just Like Humans

    Slowly but surely, the foundations of the "pathological science" - initiated and patronized by corporations like GE - are crumbling. One of the tenets of this "science" is the "false" human tendency for anthropomorphism - i.e. ascribing human qualities, abilities, and behaviors to "primitive"...
  4. haidut

    Playfulness, Novelty, And Leisure Are Vital For Progress And True Knowledge

    About a year ago I made a post arguing that leisure, desire, playfulness and relaxation are vital for learning and knowledge. Leisure And Desire Required For Intelligence, Knowledge And Progress The study below now argues that unstructured play similar to the way children play is absolutely...
  5. haidut

    Leisure And Desire Required For Intelligence, Knowledge And Progress

    As many of you know, back in the 1970s Peat established something called Blake College in Mexico. Its goal was to provide an environment for true learning, free form the the constraints and dogmatism of modern academia driven by commercial and political interests. In one of his articles, Peat...
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