
  1. AlphaCog

    Histamine secretion induced by N-acetyl cysteine

    Abstract The mucolytic drug N-acetyl cysteine has been shown to release histamine from cultured mouse mast cells and from human basophils. At neutral pH the release was moderate and non-cytotoxic. If the acidity of the drug was not neutralized, this histamine release was markedly potentiated...
  2. Connor888


    Hey So I recently started supplementing TUDCA and NAC for my liver, since I found out I had fatty liver - and from what I heard the latter can deplete the body of either Zinc, copper, or both. So I figured it might be worth looking into those too... But I feel like their absorption might be...
  3. A

    Dietary thiols accelerate aging of C. elegans (Glutathione, NAC)

    Interesting study that seems to confirm Ray's views that Glutathione/NAC may not be as beneficial as commonly presented. That is, if conclusions from C. Elegans can be extrapolated to humans.
  4. Ismail

    Supplementing Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) in Older Adults Improves Glutathione Deficiency, Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction

    Supplementing Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) in Older Adults Improves Glutathione Deficiency, Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Inflammation, Physical Function, and Aging Hallmarks: A Randomized Clinical Trial Abstract Background Elevated oxidative stress (OxS), mitochondrial...
  5. haidut

    Blocking Cystine, And Thus Glutathione (GSH) Synthesis, Kills Cancer Stem Cells

    Yet another study that adds to the evidence that cancer is a metabolic disease, driven by excessive reductive stress. I posted a few other threads on the role of glutathione precursors in cancer, and specifically on the role of cysteine in melanoma. In the body, cysteine gets converted into...
  6. haidut

    NAC (cysteine) Increases Melanoma Spread

    Another point for Peat and his articles on how antioxidants can be pro-tumorigenic. The free radicals generated through high metabolism is what keeps some cancers in check. NAC (cysteine) blocks the effects of those free radicals. In addition, NAC also suppresses the thyroid so that may be...
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