
  1. Cameron

    Androgenic effects of T3 supplementation any experiences?

    “Thyroid hormones are important for growth and development of many tissues. Altered thyroid hormone status causes testicular abnormalities. For instance, juvenile hypothyroidism=neonatal transient hypothyroidism induces macroorchidism, increases testicular cell number (Sertoli, Leydig, and germ...
  2. haidut

    Another Study Links PUFA To Alzheimer Disease (AD)

    I posted some studies a few months ago, which showed that PUFA metabolites are elevated in patients with AD, and that blocking PUFA metabolism can reverse the pathology (in an animal model). Increased Pufa Oxidation May Be Biomarker For Alzheimers Blocking PUFA Metabolism May Reverse Alzheimer...
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