
  1. haidut

    The Cure For Aging Might Be The Cure For Alzheimer’s

    Almost 25 years ago, Dr. Peat himself wrote a 2-article series in which he outlined arguments in favor of the hypothesis that aging and Alzheimer Disease (AD) are just examples of a more and less systemic sign respectively of declining energy production, and that curing one would lead to a cure...
  2. haidut

    There Is Probably No Limit To Human Lifespan

    The current ruling dogma in medicine is that human longevity is most likely genetically determined, and seems to be capped at about 125 years. The main arguments given in favor if this hypothesis are the apparently exponentially rising odds of dying with increasing age and the fact that no...
  3. haidut

    Brains Can Be Kept Alive Without A Head/body, Possibly Indefinitely

    Despite the freakishness of the research and the ethical questions it raises, the study below is yet another example of the direction of research the medical profession is pursuing - the ability to turn humans and human consciousness into a "person in a box", which can be readily transplanted on...
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