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  1. haidut

    Serotonin may be the "aggression hormone" in most living organisms

    So much for the "happiness hormone", which medicine keeps telling us should be kept as high as possible. This idiotic hypothesis gave birth to an entire drug industry, which continues to poison people to this day with its SSRI drugs, despite solid evidence that they are no better than placebo...
  2. haidut

    Pregnenolone Safe And Effective In Big Human Trial For Back Pain

    About 2 years ago I posted about a study that suggested pregnenolone may relieve low-back pain in humans. Pregnenolone Relieves Chronic Low Back Pain (human Study) At the time, a bigger human clinical trial was planned and the results of that trial were just released. Pregnenolone, slowly...
  3. haidut

    Humans Have A 'salamander-like' Ability To Regrow Cartilage

    The title says it all, but the study authors make the unfortunate/handicapped conclusion that while we may very well be able to regrow cartilage, we cannot regrow limbs. Well, multiple animal studies I posted in the last beg to disagree and point to both high metabolism and progesterone as...
  4. haidut

    Fish Feel Pain Just Like Other Animals And Humans

    Yet another piece of evidence that there is no such thing as a "lower animal" and pretty much anything with consciousness experiences pain much the same way we do. Yet despite these advances in our understanding of how similar we are to any other living creature, we still have surgeons...
  5. haidut

    Rats Play Hide-and-seek For The Fun Of It, Just Like Humans

    Slowly but surely, the foundations of the "pathological science" - initiated and patronized by corporations like GE - are crumbling. One of the tenets of this "science" is the "false" human tendency for anthropomorphism - i.e. ascribing human qualities, abilities, and behaviors to "primitive"...
  6. haidut

    Vitamin E Reduces Risks Of Cataracts By More Than 50%

    Quite a few people have been asking on the forum and via email about interventions for age-related cataracts. Here are some links below. The type of vitamin E used in all studies was alpha-tocopherol and the dose varied from 12mg/day all the way up to HED of 15mg/kg daily for the rodent model...
  7. haidut

    Insects May Be Just As Conscious As Us And In Some Aspects Greatly Exceed Us

    As many forum users likely know, the current dogma of biology is that only a few living organisms are fully "with it" like us. Those include the great apes, dolphins, and possibly elephants. As far as the millions of other living creatures on this planet - oh well, they are just automatons that...
  8. haidut

    Dietary Nitrates Can Cause Mania After Just Two Weeks Of Consumption

    As many forum users already know dietary nitrates are an effective precursor to nitric oxide (NO). NO has been reliably linked to mania in humans, and mania is a known side effect of drugslike Viagra or nitroglycerin, but so far the official claim is that dietary nitrate intake does not cause...
  9. haidut

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Therapy Reduces Belly Fat In Humans

    Finally some good news out of mainstream medicine! I am quite happy to see that the crucial role of carbon dioxide in health and metabolism is finally being recognized. This was a human study, which makes it even more relevant. Finally, given that belly fat is primarily driven by cortisol is...
  10. haidut

    Serotonin Causes Obesity And Diabetes In Humans

    This study is presented as groundbreaking and unexpected but in fact big pharma has been quietly working on anti-serotonin therapy for obesity/diabetes for more than a decade. I think the importance of this study is the admission that serotonin causes obesity/diabetes in humans, as one of the...
  11. haidut

    Methylene Blue Cures Malaria Within 48 Hours And Stops Its Further Spread

    This study shamelessly presents the findings as something completely novel and groundbreaking. However, methylene blue (MB) has been used as anti-malarial for more than a century, and in fact treating malaria was its first designation as an official drug. Methylene blue - Wikipedia Be that as...
  12. haidut

    Low-dose Glycine As Stroke Treatment In Humans

    The mainstream therapy for (non-hemorrhaging) stroke is a IV anticoagulants like warfarin, or a baby aspirin within the first few hours of getting stroke symptoms while the person is on her/his way to the hospital. These two studies show that sublingual glycine in a dose of 1g-2g within the...
  13. haidut

    A Piece Of Dough Can Learn Just Like Animals And Humans

    Remarkable study, showing that there may not be that much difference between what is in our heads and that cold rock lying by the road. The learning occurred through change of structure within the matter and required proper timing - i.e. both of these phenomena are required for learning in...
  14. haidut

    Pigeons Can Read Better Than Monkeys

    In intelligence studies of the avian world it is usually the corvids (crows, ravens, finches, etc) that take the crown of intelligence, but this study found pigeons to be not quite imbecilic either. When properly trained, pigeon reading performance was closer to that of humans then the one of...
  15. haidut

    Methylene Blue Improves Short-term Memory In Humans

    I suppose the results of this study are to be expected but I wanted to post it anyways since it was one of the few human studies using methylene blue. The doses used was pretty high (4mg/kg for human) but for some reason the authors claim that this is actually a pretty low dose. Be that as it...
  16. haidut

    Humans, Like Other Mammals, Can Probably Detect Magnetic Fields

    I posted before on the ability of higher mammals and even primates to detect magnetic fields and use them in their daily routines. Dogs, Primates, And Maybe Even Humans Can Sense Magnetic Fields Warthogs, Wild Boars May Have Internal Magnetic Compass | Biology | Sci-News.com Many researchers who...
  17. haidut

    Endotoxin Can Cause Inflammation Independently Of PUFA

    As many people on the forum know, the primary driver of inflammation in humans is the metabolism of arachidonic acid into various inflammatory mediators like prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and tromboxanes. If you remove arachidonic acid, about 90% of the inflammatory response goes away. However...
  18. haidut

    People Are A Lot Less Resilient To Stress Than Originally Thought

    A very common critique to Peat's writings and views is the idea that stress does not really affect us on a deeper physiological level, and if does, most people are highly resilient to its effects. So, in effect, we are being taugth from very early age that stress does not matter for our health...
  19. haidut

    Aspirin Decreases Cortisol And Increases Testosterone In Humans

    This was a short-term human study, which makes it particularly interesting to athletes and people with hypothyroidism. When Ray was asked about declining health in an aging male, his response was: "...Thyroid deficiency in men typically causes a high ratio of cortisol to testosterone, with a...
  20. haidut

    Dogs, Primates, And Maybe Even Humans Can Sense Magnetic Fields

    Ray wrote in one of his articles about Russian research showing that dogs can be used to discover underground metals. He said that this ability cannot be explained by the sense of smell but rather seems to be due to ability of dogs to perceive electromagnetic fields. This research seems to...
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