
  1. cs3000

    1000x more lead in (1991) modern humans than pre-industrial humans. Lead & Cadmium as Cardiovascular Risk Factors: The Burden of Proof Has Been Met

    https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/JAHA.120.018692 The bone of a 20th century human has 1000‐fold more lead than that of a preindustrial human. Current sources of lead exposure to humans now result from soil, food, water, tobacco smoke and electronic cigarettes, lead‐based paints in and...
  2. haidut

    The "safe" Levels Of Thyroid Inhibitor In Tap Water Much Lower Than Previously Thought

    Yet another study demonstrating that tap water may be quite unsafe to drink, and that yet another one of EPA/FDA regulations on "safe" levels of a potent thyroid-inhibiting contaminant in drinking water are nothing more than wishful thinking. Namely, the study below claims that the levels of...
  3. haidut

    Blue Light Accelerates Aging And Reduces Lifespan By More Than 50%

    In one of his interviews, Peat mentioned that red light exposure may be the most fundamental protective factor in nature, and that a deficiency of it (as commonly seen in Western lifestyles) may be the main driver of systemic aging and the diseases associated with it. The study below provides...
  4. haidut

    Drinking Fluoridated Water During Pregnancy May Lower IQ (in Sons)

    Another study (the most comprehensive to date) that finds a strong link between pre-natal exposure to fluoride in drinking water and lower intelligence in the offspring. As the article aptly notes, the benefits of fluoride were never proven before it was introduced in drinking water throughout...
  5. haidut

    Avoiding Sunlight May Be As Bad For Health As Smoking A Pack A Day

    As most readers of this blog know, the current recommendations of the American Dermatology Association (ADA) call for pretty much no sun exposure of any skin areas unless those areas have been "protected" by sunscreen. The same recommendation applies to tanning beds and makes not distinction of...
  6. haidut

    A Lab Test For Endotoxin Exposure, And Its Role In HIV/AIDS

    While I was researching some other topics related to the article on statins and TLR4 that I posted last week, I stumbled upon a biomarker called "soluble CD14" or sCD14 for short. CD14 - Wikipedia As it turns out, sCD14 is a biomarker for systemic endotoxin load. The importance of soluble CD14...
  7. haidut

    The Evidence Is Now CLEAR That Cell Phone Radiation (EMF) Causes Cancer

    There are several threads on the forum about this issue, but up until now the reports from the government always said the link between EMF and cancer is not "clear". Well, now apparently it is and the report is by the same group at NIH that published the initial troubling findings back in...
  8. haidut

    Higher Intake Of Vitamin E As A Child May Prevent Liver Disease Later On

    I think most people on this forum know about the link between estrogen and liver disease. Peat has written at length about it and there is officially published data spanning more than century showing that (just like "autoimmune" conditions) liver disease has much higher incidence in women, thus...
  9. haidut

    Fluoride Exposure (in Utero) Lowers IQ

    The news against fluride just keep on coming. Some states in the USA have started legislation to remove fluoride from drinking water. In response, the federal government is threatening to withhold emergency and disaster-relief funding. I wonder why... Fluoride exposure in utero linked to lower...
  10. haidut

    Facial Deformity May Be An Indication Of Early Life Stress

    A few people have asked Peat about bodily facial and torso deformities and he has said it is likely due to high estrogen, especially in early childhood. This recent study seems to add evidence to that hypothesis by showing that crooked bite (a type of facial deformity) is an indication of stress...
  11. Morning Star

    Dietary Aluminum Intake

    The other day I checked the label on the salt which we use at the restaurant I work in and discovered it contained sodium aluminosilicate, an anti-caking agent.I scoured the web searching for other unexpected routes of exposure and must now conclude that virtually every processed food available...
  12. haidut

    Blue Light Exposure Just Twice A Day Causes Insulin Resistance In Humans

    No need to elaborate, given how much Ray has written about red and blue light and their effects on metabolism. The key result from the study was that just 3 hours of exposure was enough to trigger that metabolic dysfunction. Imagine what happens at night when there is ambient blue light...
  13. haidut

    Sun Avoidance Decreases Lifespan

    Ray said once that avoiding the sun is very carcinogenic, which is quite contrary to what the various skin cancer experts would like you to believe. This study seems to confirm Ray's point, at least when it comes to females. Sunbather Paradox: Sun Woshippers Live Longer Than Those Who Avoid The...
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