
  1. haidut

    Estrogen Excess During Pregnancy May Cause Autism

    Finally! Some common sense is emerging from the medical profession. For one, it points the finger straight at estrogen as a possible cause of autism. And not just estradiol, which the medical profession considers the only estrogen of note, but all 3 of them (estrone, estradiol, estriol). So, all...
  2. haidut

    Narcolepsy May Be Due To Estrogen

    This study found that the estrogen known as estriol was significantly elevated in patients with narcolepsy. While the study is old and aromatase inhibitors were not available at the time, I think they may be a viable therapy for this condition if estrogen is indeed a causative factor. Reminds of...
  3. haidut

    Pregnenolone Is An Estrogen Antagonist

    This has been stated by Peat a few times but usually the assumption has been that pregnenolone converts into progesterone and that is how it exerts its anti-estrogenic effects. This older study claims that pregnenolone (also called delta-5-pregnenolone) is directly antagonistic to estrogen...
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