
  1. Inabruzzo

    Stem-cell therapy reverses type 1 diabetes in groundbreaking case study - October 4th, 2024

    No Paywall: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/stem-cell-therapy-reverses-type-1-diabetes-in-groundbreaking-case-study#Stem-cell-therapy-reverses-type-1-diabetes-in-case-study “The patient in this case study had previously had two liver transplants and a failed pancreas transplant due...
  2. haidut

    HUMAN STUDY: Vitamin B3 ups muscle/bone mass/strength, lowers fat, improves glucose control

    The study is epidemiological and it did not distinguish between the various forms of vitamin B3 available through the diet or supplements. However, it was well-controlled and its findings match the known biochemical effects of vitamin B3, which the study authors cite themselves as the likely...
  3. haidut

    A single 15min exposure to red light boosts mitochondria and lowers blood glucose

    A human study, which makes it that much more important. While the findings are not very surprising, what is important to take from the study is that 1) elevated blood glucose is likely a good biomarker of poor mitochondrial function, 2) exposure to just 15min of red light daily can lower blood...
  4. haidut

    Diabetic kidney damage driven by high fat & low glucose oxidation, glycine can treat it

    This is yet another study that calls into serious doubt the main dogma of diabetic pathology provided by allopathic medicine. Namely, mainstream medicine claims that the well-known kidney damage occurring in majority of advanced cases of diabetes II is caused by the elevated blood glucose in...
  5. haidut

    Obesity linked to mitochondrial dysfunction in GI tract, treatable by fat restriction

    I think the claim that obesity can be caused by lower metabolism is not something contentious, even though mainstream medicine will claim that it only happens in clinical hypothyroidism. The so-called idiopathic obesity in the general population (now affecting 40%+ of people) is claimed to be...
  6. haidut

    Optimal vitamin D intake may be at least 2,000 IU daily

    As most people supplementing with vitamins know, the daily RDA for vitamin D has been set at 400 IU (in some countries up to 800 IU) daily, despite no evidence that such doses do anything beneficial, including even the basic target - preventing rickets. More recent studies have argues that the...
  7. haidut

    LipOdd - Liquid Product With Odd-Chain Saturated Fats (SFA)

    More than a decade ago, when I was just beginning my exploration of bioenergetics, one of the first indications that Ray's writings were onto something when it came to SFA vs. PUFA was the fact that while mainstream medicine ruthlessly bashed SFA in general and promoted PUFA, virtually very...
  8. haidut

    Cortisol stimulates its own synthesis (peripherally), drives obesity/diabetes/CVD

    Synthetic/bioidentical glucocorticoids (GC) are perhaps the most widely used steroids clinically. In addition, the HPA axis, culminating in cortisol production, is one of the most widely studied mechanisms in regards to many chronic diseases including obesity, diabetes, CVD, mental conditions...
  9. A

    How to eat Starchy foods without problems.

    I get Brainfog, joint/muscle/back pains, stomach bloating and fatigue when consuming any starchy foods. Concentrated starch powders are the worst. I have tried most hacks to make them tolerable - rinsing starchy veggies thoroughly, boiling/pressure cooking, removing starch water after cooking -...
  10. haidut

    Androgens, glucocorticoids are antagonistic - former inhibit, latter promote fat gain

    As most of my readers know, androgenic steroids are considered extremely dangerous by medicine and are in fact outlawed in most "developed" countries. Aside from the (in)famous "roid rage", medicine claims that a large number of chronic conditions (spanning the spectrum from cosmetic to...
  11. haidut

    Serotonin (5-HT) drives diabetes and liver disease, blocking it is therapeutic

    After more than a decade of doing research in bioenergetics, I have come to the conclusion that there is hardly a disease (both acute and chronic) where 5-HT is not involved as a causal factor. Out of all those conditions, the ones with the biggest public health impacts are probably obesity...
  12. Mauritio

    Eugenol increases sex hormones lowers COX2 and protects liver in diabetic model

    Here they looked at what eugenol did to a rat model of diabetes. They found that it lowered Glucose , triglycerides and LDL-cholsterol, which decreased especially strongly from 50 to 6 in the highest eugenol group. Just for reference the control groups level was 30, so it lowered below their...
  13. trinity

    Polyunsaturated fatty acid intake and incidence of type 2 diabetes in adults: a dose response meta-analysis of cohort studies

    Hi all I have been researching diabetes through the forum with many of the posts linking PUFA as one of the main causes of insulin resistance and so diabetes. Much scientific evidence as been referred to in these posts showing this correlation. But I have come across this recent (2022) meta...
  14. haidut

    Aspirin reduces risk of developing diabetes

    Not sure if my readers have noticed it, but Big Pharma has drastically increased their bashing of aspirin since the pandemic started. Those attacks began when a few studies published back in 2020 demonstrated that aspirin users had a much lower risk of both contracting and dying from COVID-19...
  15. Zellig Pliskin

    New Study Finds Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism.

    https://theleadingreport.com/2023/07/09/new-study-finds-zero-amish-children-diagnosed-with-cancer-diabetes-or-autism/?expand_article=1 In a new comprehensive study, presented by VSRF founder Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was calculated that for Amish children, who are...
  16. cs3000

    Bee propolis vs flu & diabetes

    < propolis (black squares) vs antiviral drug (black triangles) 70% survival in propolis group vs 0% without https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epdf/10.1177/095632020801900102?src=getftr (works for other viruses too , e.g anti - herpes effects , pro wound healing topically)...
  17. haidut

    Chronic stress doubles the weight gain from high-fat diets

    I am only posting this to demonstrate that the (in)famous claim so many doctors and dietitians and public health figures like to quote (calories in = calories out) does not hold and in fact body weight is heavily influenced by environmental conditions as well, such as chronic stress. As the...
  18. haidut

    How vitamin K protects from diabetes

    The study discovered a new protein requiring vitamin K as a co-factor. It has long been known that vitamin K regulates both the synthesis and carboxylation of osteocalcin, with the latter subsequently regulating functions as diverse as blood clotting, bone mineralization, soft-tissue...
  19. haidut

    Media: Endotoxin (LPS) drives obesity/diabetes

    I did not think we will ever see such a headline in a major news outlet, but here is is. And in The Guardian of all places, which is a newspaper that rarely deviates from the official medical narrative on any condition, especially obesity and diabetes. The official narrative for those conditions...
  20. haidut

    PUFA, not sugar, causes eye damage associated with diabetes/aging

    An amazing pair of new studies that coincidentally (synchronicity!) came out at the same time, but without the authors seemingly knowing each other or citing each other's work. One of the studies dispels the ubiquitous myth that high blood glucose is what causes eye damage, especially in...
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