
  1. Grapelander

    Vibrational Therapy Resource Page: Homeopathy, Flower & Gem Elixirs, Light, Color, Sound and Energy Healing (Please post books, resources & studies)

    article: New research suggests water remembers what has been dissolved in it, even after dilution beyond the point where no molecule of the original substances could remain. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho reports August 25, 2003 For more than a century, practitioners of homeopathy have used highly diluted...
  2. haidut

    Reducing Stress May Reverse Greying Of Hair

    Just a few weeks ago I made a post about yet another study linking grey hair to increased stress. The mechanism of action described in that study was increased HPA activity and specifically elevated norepinephrine levels. Other studies have also implicated tryptophan/serotonin, which is still...
  3. haidut

    Estrogen Darkens Skin Color, Progesterone Lightens It

    It has been known since ancient Greek times that during pregnancy skin color in women changes drastically. Doctors have long suspected that hormones are involved but until now the mechanism was not known. This study shows that estrogen and progesterone are involved in skin color changes...
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