blood brain barrier

  1. Mauritio

    Serotonin, PUFA and histamine increase leaky brain

    This is just just another angle showing how stress hormones and PUFA affect the whole body negatively. Increased Blood-brain-barrier permeability(leaky brain) is linked to many diseases : "Blood–brain barrier dysfunction contributes to pathology in a range of neurological conditions including...
  2. cupofcoffee

    Coffee polyphenols ameliorate cognitive decline via maintenance of blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8 (SAMP8)
  3. M

    How To Treat Leaky Blood-brain-barrier If One Is Sensitive To Caffeine Pill?

    So I believe that I have been suffering from leaky BBB. I saw some of the suggested solutions being chronic high caffeine level in the body. I have previously had serotonin toxicity issues and have had heart issues due to other chemicals (tretinoin) etc. I am sensitive to caffeine pill, ex. I...
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